moon beams & hope

The moon though only at its three quarter phase ,seems to be emitting light all over this island. Wherever you went and when you look up there it is – it’s probably sent its beams a hundred miles away. It acts as a guide for the lost souls, the ones who feel hope has deserted them & their paths seem dark. Guiding them home to their loved ones, to a new sense of renewed home or just acts as light after going through a dark tunnel – at least that’s how I see in my world.
I have seen many bright moons but tonight was exceptionally beautiful maybe because of the moon beams and it was something to really take in the beauty that the universe has to offer. That beauty I today immortalize in words and in mind and wishing that everyone saw just how amazingly beautiful the moon was tonight.
Spending time at the beach alone or with someone special, someone who could appreciate this would be just right. I know a certain someone who can appreciate this with me but anyways. Looking at the moon at the beach would mean seeing dark waters being lit up, the beams making the ripples on the water visible – looks like silver colored fish swimming in unison.
Tonight was clearly a beautiful night and with that comes to mind a certain someone who is so dear to me who is how do you say it. - Far away …………
By the time I reached home the moon beams have vanished and what was shining down on us was something that looks like a flower with many different shades of blacks, golden browns and grays with a bud in its centre which is obviously the moon. It was still beautiful none the less shining brightly among all that darkness being the one that gives the flower its brightness.
I see things in this case nature as giving us a sign, an inspiration to pick us up to make us open to the reality that nothing in life is permanent and this goes even with the bad things that happens in our lives in the words of Charlie Chaplin ‘Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles'.. and in spite of the darkness we still can shine because it does all go away and that’s what I saw because a little while later the moon was shining majestically giving the world light and hope …..
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