Groovy Island Girl interesting finds.good & bad times.friends.people.what matters.what doesnt.what nots - in this journey of life of an island girl in an island state.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Before Its Too Late

You take bits & pieces of a song & you come with a thought, an inspiration, and an invitation. The thought of immortality, of doing things without calculating the risks, to just do whatever it is you want whatever the risk whatever the outcome. Be it good or bad at the end of it all you knew you did it anyways.

We take risks in love even when its unrequited we love anyways, we take risks in embarking on things we never do and we take risks in letting go always for the betterment of the other and maybe for ourselves so we can experience what we solely deserve – our deepest desires hopes & dreams. Sometimes we spent our lives doing the same mundane things over and over again and wonder if there is something more for us … maybe when that happens its good to look inside ourselves and find that calling, that dream, that goal that we have kept in side of us because of the circumstances and sometimes because of others. We sometimes adapt to the circumstance instead of letting it work to our advantage. And then there is about living our lives for other people that we forget to live for ourselves.

When you lose something or someone close to you, it really gives new meaning to the term ‘life is short’. Especially when it’s a child, you really sit down and start to revaluate your own life. The choices you’ve made, the mistakes, the accomplishments. You evaluate your relationship with just about everyone and you evaluate your relationship with God and your own spirituality. Have been doing what you should have, have you been good to people, have strong are your convictions, how strong is your faith. There is that urgency, that need to good, to live your live to fullest. Call it an eye opening experience if you may. A realization. Maybe somewhere in your subconscious you say a silent prayer so that you’re able to make sense of things, for things to get better and all the other things that your heart desires. And I think most important it prompts you to take risks live love

Life throws us so many opportunities and chances and sometimes we are so afraid to take it afraid of the outcome maybe its better to worry of the ‘what ifs’ or ‘what could have been’ rather than the outcome. We spend our lives make excuses for doing things only to regret it later down the road – which really has no point in it.

There have been probably been many instances in life where I could have taken risks and I have chosen not too out of fear of losing, hurting and many other things but this song and recent events gets you to thinking. Take risks, live , never be afraid to love, give you all , give your heart, break down the falls, go to new places, try something new, experience a life apart from yours because you don’t know …. And in the words of the song, Before its Too late .. Live dream risk before its all over …

I wondered through fiction to look for the truth

Buried beneath all the lies

And I stood at a distance

To feel who you are

Hiding myself in your eyes

And hold on before it's too late

Until we leave this behind

Don't fall just be who you are

It's all that we need in our lives

And the risk that might break you

Is the one that would save

A life you dont live is still lost

So stand on the edge with me

Hold back your fear and see

Nothing is real til it's gone

So live like you mean it

Love til you feel it

It's all that we need in our lives


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