fridays, peace & dreams..

I thought I would my start blog entry for this beautiful Friday with no blaring music from any Harley Davidson :P downstairs, I guess I am going to have to take the bus today ;)) anyways I was going through some of my old journals and I found this very inspiring quote about DREAMS. It’s so simple and beautiful yet carries a powerful message.
I thought I would share it. Something positive to end the week with and welcome the weekend with …. Hope you guys enjoy it .. And now down to the not very important stuff ;))….
And just when you thought it was safe to leave your bar of chocolate laying around – the ants prove you wrong ….grrrrr I hate ants – they are good they are for is stomping …….. lol hah what an overly dramatic start to the AM. But I am serious about the ants – they ate my chocolate and I am not very happy about it .. Silly ants go get your own chocolate tsk tsk tsk .. well anyways, I didn’t stomp any ants they ran away by themselves that ought to teach me not to leave my chocolate bar laying around…
And yes I actually slept J and didn’t pull an all nighter. Sometimes I think I am getting way too old for that you know the whole I can stay up all night and still function deal. I want sleep to be my friend again ;;) … but sometimes I just find it hard to sleep – maybe its time to re set my body clock or maybe have a little chat with it. See I get really silly in the morning: P I am rambling almost..
I didn’t meet my 1230am deadline probably because I up talking to some of my girlfriends about life, men and people I guess I got lost in time and it seems we had so much to talk about and I think one of the things we talked about was facing facts, the hard truth, reality whatever you want to call it. The truth hurts, its painful its unfair but it’s the truth and sometimes that’s what we have to deal with whether we like or not. it will hurt we will cry but in time we recover. Truths are like a slap in the face – trust me I know been there done that. having to deal with certain realities are never easy but we have too. They say the truth will set you free, free from what I wonder and I wonder what freedom is there in certain truths when it only hurts and breaks you sometimes I think its sometimes just best not knowing but ummm I take that back im way too curious to not know and knowing me I will keep digging and digging and digging for the truth c .. *grin*..
Today is the International Day of Peace falls on September 21st every year. This year marks its 25th year of the International day of peace. Below is just a gist of the day ill blog more about it when I get home seeing that I am pressed for time now. :..
The International Day of Peace provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of Peace on a shared date. Use the International Day of Peace annually to highlight the Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001 to 2010. Established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, the International Day of Peace was first celebrated September 1982. It is also known as Peace Day.
The aim of this day is to ‘ To mark our individual and collective progress toward building Cultures of Peace, and serve as a reminder of our permanent commitment to Peace, above all interests and differences of any kind.’
PEACE is more than the absence of war.
It is about transforming our societies and uniting our global community to work together for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world for ALL.
And on that note I end my blog entry for this Friday morning its off to work and see the cute smiling faces of the little kiddies who are extra excited seeing it’s a Friday lol and get their warm little hugs. ill share them ;))
Have a great Friday everyone! Hope its filled with all the good things happiness & lotsa smiles!
Blog ya laters!
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