My iftar on the 5th day ...

At ‘iftar’ mom and I had a spread of very delicious food. She was in the mood for some pita so pita did we have. I made a fried beef dish which acts as the pita stuffing and I just did a mix of black pepper, cayenne pepper, ginger and garlic paste, garlic powder and a bit of oregano mix it with the meat fry in olive oil and onions and at the end throw in shredded cabbage and voila a simple pita stuffing. I did a simple tomato relish to top the beef with – I just diced up some tomatoes and added some black pepper.
On my way back from school, I bought some local cakes for my mom and myself. During this time there are many stalls that sell food and cakes and specialty drinks for the breaking of fast. This is for those too lazy to cook, or are working and have no time to cook. These little stalls and fairs spring up almost everywhere. Some of the food actually look good and in a fasting state, you would just want to buy all of them but when you get home you don’t eat it. It’s called temptation. *grin*
At iftar too we had the semolina pudding or suji, fresh greens and some ‘kuih bakar lauk’ which means baked cake with gravy doesn’t sound so well when its translated lol but its actually really delicious. You know at a time when you want to take pictures and show what you’re talking about the digital camera has to be broken just my luck huh lol well anyways .. its basically a flour and based pie like cake with minced meat, scallion and chillis on it. Its cooked over coal in the old days but these days a gas burner works just fine. The pan which is used has about 10 spots and you pour in the batter, then top it off with the meat, scallions and chili. I think it’s a pretty long process but im sure its worth all the effort. I have tried looking for the pan but I can’t find it online but if anyone’s curious just imagine a muffin pan, except its round and a little more shallow and made of caste iron. I did however find a picture of the kuih bakar and here it is ..
Another local cake I bought is called ‘kuih apam’ it’s made from flour, coconut milk and a few other things and its one of my favorite local cake. Its steamed in little cups a lot like a local cupcake I think. It’s a fluffy sweet cake eaten with red sugar and coconut though I prefer it on its own. This cute little dessert comes in all sorts of colors – so you can only imagine how appetizing it looks and oh so pretty. The size varies but I like the real small bite size ones – they are really cute. over here they sell about ten in a plastic packet together with the red sugar and it costs about SGD1.20. here is a picture of what I am talking about ..
SO that’s a little sharing of my iftar today. Just echoing sis Ann’s call to share the time at iftar seeing we cant be there so through blogs & pictures we are sharing our time with our friends though my pictures aren’t as great as id like them to be.
To top it off here is a picture of all the dishes on the dining table and that’s mom reaching for the pita bread .. and those cute little cakes are the kuih apam , our plate of dates, fresh greens, basket of pita and my little glass of ribena! :)
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