Late Night inspirations

To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed – That can make life a garden
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Anyone who isn’t confused really doesn’t understand the situation.
Edward R. Murrow
The following quotes are from my collection of ‘Chocolate for Women’ series a collection of books for the woman’s spirit soul and heart and just some of my favorite resources to go to if I need a pick me up ..
‘You can never discover new oceans, unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore
-Author unknown.
Only those who can the invisible can do the impossible
-Author unknown.
Having your way is a lot easier when you have more than one way
-Jennifer James
And finally some quotes by me … yeah I actually wrote did I actually think of these? On the heading for the page of my book of Me. Anyways my thoughts shared with the world. The following was written when I was 26 about eight years ago. I have always been fascinated by the moon and stars and what it signifies at least for me.
Everyone has a star of their own. Out of the million of stars in the sky, one of them is yours. Stars mean different things to different people. For me it’s a sign of hope, a sign of better things to come a sign that something or someone is watching over you ..
Life is fragile. Everything little thing counts – people, experiences. Live it to the fullest because you don’t know when you might loose parts of it …
We all have had days where a word, a chance encounter with someone or something gives us that extra step as go about our day or brings a sense of warmth to our hearts and sometime its comes as an answer to a pressing question that we’ve been dealing with. Whatever it is inspirational quotes and stories does just that. And I hope to whoever reads this it has brought forth some sense of positive being.
Nites world ..
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