panda snack, words & what nots ..

Sunday, May 27
Dr Snyder talked in Thursday’s cub update about how we offer Mei Lan small pieces of biscuits and fruit to help her learn to be weighed on the scale. One type of fruit that Mei Lan is offered is banana slices (without the peel, though Lun Lun and Yang Yang will both eat the peel). It is quite funny to watch her eat her banana slices. She has not yet learned how to chew her solid foods, but resorts back to her nursing ways and slowly sucks on the banana until it has totally dissolved in her mouth. Sometimes the banana slice will fall out of her mouth. She will then retrieve it and place it on the back side of her paw. She will then suck on it from there, as if she is using her paw to make sure that she will not loose it again.
Kate Roca
Giant Panda Keeper II
Isnt that just adorable ;)) .. Anyways it’s a Monday morning and guess where I am? Not at work that’s for sure lol it’s a nice change and seeing its only 8am I should probably go back to bed. What really woke me up this morning wasn’t my alarm though it did go off at 6 but I quickly shut it off. What really woke me up were text messages from my aunt. There is reminder tone which keeps reminding me until I actually read it so anyways.. I was up way before I wanted too but I can’t complain because a surprise awaited me in my inbox. An email from ‘C” – a long one at that. I enjoy reading his emails makes me happy and I usually switch on to his Southern accent when I read his emails trying to hear how it would sound if he had read it tee hee. I know I am weird.. Anyways one thing about the school holidays is that your body is used to waking up at a specific time and its automatic and it does take a while to get used to really sleeping in but when you finally get into the swing of sleeping in schools about to start. Hah so yeah it’s a no win situation.
Last night I dreamt of words and ‘C” I guess for obviously reasons. Must be my lucky night seeing that its two of my favorite things and person in the world hehee .. I don’t remember the details but I saw words and I saw ‘C” and it wasn’t a bad dream either … *smiles* ..
And since I am up I might do morning stuff like breakfast and laundry. This afternoon I have a lunch with the other teachers from school seeing that they are treating us to a lunch for all our hard work just how sweet is that tee hee.. well anyways I wont write much here seeing I just woke up and nothing exciting has transpired as yet maybe except for the dream and the email from ‘C”. so I am off for now but I shall return …
Have a great Monday world .. Blog ya laters ..
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