feelin better & stuff..
Yesterday was lunch date more like a lunch treat with colleagues from work. They slave you for six months then take you to lunch hahah just kidding. I guess its just managements way to show apprecation to teachers. well anyways , we went to the Straits Kitchen at the Grand Hyatt Hotel for a lunch buffet. And boy did we eat. This is nice place to savor local favorites in a buffet style setting. It has a open style cooking area so you can see your food being prepared which is an eye opener for tourists and locals alike I would think. The choices were endless as were the rounds ;))… I ended up having a little of everything. Overall it was a nice day out with fellow teachers. Today were friends not colleagues. Lord knows there have been a lot of misunderstandings but on days like today our differences are put aside. Some of the teachers brought their children along – and you think you were kids free for the holidays I guess not all of us are *grin*. But you know its nice because at least they have the time to spend with their own kids rather than with other peoples children and I guess for a moment in time that yearning for children seem to come around again . Mae and I just sighed and giggled at ourselves because we got into a conversation with ourselves as we watched the antics of the kids of the others.
Back to the present. I spoke to my mother today. According to her the guest list for the wedding seem to be increasing and they weren’t sure if they wedding favors enough so now they have to look for a different set of wedding favors to give the young adults. Let me explain. At local weddings there two separate wedding favors – for the adults and for the kids. For the kids its usually small cakes in little containers or chocolate. Chocolate would be the favorite. The young adults would get what the adults get usually. The problem now is that it’s too late to order a new batch of the wedding favors for the young adults so they are scouting for something else for them. They felt that it was too childish to give them chocolates so they are trying for mugs. As to what the main wedding favors I will keep it a secret until the time comes but here is a picture of my cousins wedding card. It’s a simple yet classy card designed by the bride and groom..

pic2 :This is the inside of the card with the wedding details. It’s usually done in two languages English & Malay and includes the names of the parents who are the host of the wedding and of course the bride and groom. Top part of the invite is in English the bottom is in Malay.
Pic:3 is the back of the card and its usually a map of the venue. For those who are not sure of the roads.
Anyways dinner for me today was flava beans aka broadbeans. Its simple fast and delicious and perfect on days like this. I will elaborate about it on a later blog.
The panda cub updates where basically about one of the giant’ panda keeper’s research in China – you can read it here … http://www.zooatlanta.org/animals_giant_panda_cub_updates.htm
As far as my panda cam is concerned it’s still acting up. It buffers and then it stays still. Grrrrrrrrrrr… I don’t know what it is. I miss looking at mei lan and her antics. I see move for a few seconds then it stops. Sigh .. silly internet connection … L
Mom might be coming over tomorrow seeing we have a wedding dinner on Thursday so we will if she arrives here tomorrow or on the day itself. I just realized that I am in the mood to write and clean then I am cooking these past few days lol .. Then again its 2 out of 3 of the things that I love doing so it isn’t so bad because I know my cooking mood will definitely return. I wrote, I read and I replied to ‘c’s email and my day is complete for sure … So I am off for now but I leave with a quotable quote ..
The vulnerability of opening your heart fully and deeply to another is terrifying, but at a point in my 50s, I realized that...I had to step up to the plate...." -- Jane Fonda
Blog ya laters world ..
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