little literal discoveries ...

And today was of course another cleaning day and I found so many things from the stacks of papers and books. Would you believe I found a to do list from like four years ago. It probably sounds bad but I take credit for that fact that some of things I had to do was done others well that’s another story. *snicker*. I even found a book list of books I wanted when I as approaching my 30th birthday but hey I am past day but I kept the list just the same seeing that my cousin will be turning 30 this year.
Anyways I did a whole lot of throwing and a whole of keeping and I think in the process I see who I am a lot more too. I found little letters I wrote to myself, some happy ones, some sad and there were an angry letter or two. I keep these I think to see how much I have grown and how my eyes have opened to the world around me. Those letters went into my journal box – a box of journals I have accumulated over the years.
I did a whole lot of organizing and re arranging too. For starters I arranged all the poems I have written according to year and I think 1999 was the year when I wrote the most poems not sure because I am pretty sure I will find some more poems stashed somewhere. Some of the poems were half written and undated so I put those in a little IDEAS file with a bunch of other ideas.
It’s actually interesting to see my state of mind then and my state of mind now. I have to admit I have grown to some extend and I think I have my life experiences to thank for that and of course the people who have come and gone and stayed and for the particular one who is still around my hope is that you will stick around longtime – you know who you are *giggles*… Anyways I think I am happy to say that I much happier and I haven’t really changed from who I was then in terms of the free spirit that I am. I am still a goof ball, I am still a dreamer and most importantly I never gave up on the one thing that I love doing which is writing. I have found so many writing inspirations in the pile that I am so overwhelmed. I collect little writing cut outs and inspirations and stories from other writers and I use it as means of getting inspired and for me to keep on writing. I shall post on here when I get it them scanned or typed out we will see.
I think I having the best relationship ever with the written words. It has progressed and I must admit its gotten better with years. My focus has changed and what I write about is just not limited to one particular topic or genre. I guess when you keep your eyes heart and mind open and in tuned to the world around you, its amazing what you can discover. I found that I have written quiet a bit since I discovered my love for writing way back when I was 14 yup its been 20 years ;)) .
I do have an extensive collection of journals, poetry, and other writings and I have to say I am proud of myself because I have been persistent at something I love when no one else thought it was important. But it’s about me at least as far as writing goes. I think my mom is accepting of the fact that I love to write – poetry for mom for Mother’s Day & birthdays does wonder *grin*
The picture I have with this blog entry are just some of the things I recovered and of course there is another box with more recent offerings of journal entries anyways.. As anyone can see I am a happy camper. People love their
I just realized that I don’t have to wake up early tomorrow morning seeing that I am on vacation and schools closed haha.. I almost forgot all about that. Time for them memory pills then again I guess when you’re expecting Monday to be a work day even when it’s the holidays you tend to think you’re working. *. I think the teachers share my sentiments on this .. Ahhh yes the school holidays just only started. A month of nothing ness and laziness.. Anyone jealous yet? … *grin . I know a couple of my girlfriends they have to get their butt out of bed pretty early *laughs evilly*
So before I end my blogging for the day here is a little sampling of what I found. It’s a quote from the movie ‘Next Stop..Wonderland” and it goes a little something like this..
‘ my dad always says if each day we can find one little thing that makes us happy and that we can appreciate it, that’s called living because we have seen the beauty of it even at its smallest’
I think there is so much truth in that and all of us can actually relate to that. Its always the little things that matters the most.
Another quote I liked was the conversation the female lead character had with the book seller ..
Bookseller: [after Erin Castleton has dropped the book] :
Don't close it. You should never close a book until you've read something from it.
Erin Castleton: What?
Bookseller: Well, just a sentence or a word. It can be very, very revealing. Just read something, anything. Well, read from the top, then.
This conversation happened when she dropped the book and it fell opened to a particular page and that’s how the conversation transpired. I really loved this movie I would actually recommend it. Remember … ‘Next Stop .. Wonderland”
So that’s it from this island girl this Sunday night. Blog ya laters world!
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