Saturday Sunshine

A routine of drinking hot honey water and checking my email didn’t bring much smiles this morning seeing it was just another email day nothing I was hoping for . Oh yes I dreamt of water again and people I don’t know and someone I know whose been busy I guess. I remembered a while lace blouse which I couldn’t fit – maybe my dreams telling me I should lose weight hmmmmmmmmm heehee. I remembered being on a ship or was it a boat whatever it was I was having the time of my life on it with “C” – we were standing at the bough of the ship and talking and laughing talking about the waves and what not and then suddenly I was in the ocean but I was not drowning or anything – I was actually enjoying myself and then magically I walked back to shore – hmmmm and a bunch of girls was talking in Malay about me they figured I couldn’t understand then I turned around and proved them otherwise.*grin* ..
Have you ever had that feeling of deja vu? I have been having that lately – things seems all too familiar and I don’t like it and I don’t like the mercury retrograde either .. grrrrrr. This all too familiar is something I don’t like it– its really taken over me I wish I knew the cause of it the reason for it but it seems like I don’t but its familiar and my gut feeling is pointing me to that direction hmmmmm I don’t usually trust it though sometimes I do hahah maybe I am just too paranoid or what not. in recent days its just been moments of déjà vu for me I don’t know .. oh well ..
This is probably off track but you know the thin plastic film on the mouse? I just finished peeling it off talk about short attention span huh I stopped the blog entry and did that lol and as weird as it seems it’s a whole lot of fun .. I don’t know why but it just is .. new discorveries of the weird kind and now my mouse is smooth and half naked *blushes*
So this hot humid afternoon I am off to Borders with a colleague from work Mae to pick some guys up umm I mean books up hahaha kidding. We are going to pick up the books we ordered for the school library a few new ones are in. The kids would be really happy I would think.
After Borders we will be with the Saturday crowd walking around town and trust me it will be packed seeing that the Great Singapore Sale is still on. Speaking of which – this time last year I was trying to convince ‘C” to come out here for the sales – hmmm déjà vu again? I reckon this time last year too he was on his way back and just got back .. Familiarity brings back so much don’t it …
I just realized my hair has been behaving (off track again). My hair usually has a mind of its own during the summer months as much as it is summer all year round it gets much much warmer around this time. I think a change in shampoo did it for me. I am currently using a limited edition Sunsilk shampoo range called Summer fresh. It has cool watermelon extracts and while you’re shampooing your hair you can feel a cool minty feeling your scalp I like it and it makes your hair smell oh so good and the hair mist is a plus for last minute I want my hair to smell extra nice heehee. Its hydrating and my hair feels soft hahah I sound like an ad. Maybe I should load up on the shampoo seeing that it’s a limited addition and my hair works so well with it so we will see ..

And with the summer months comes a much more tanner me too. I never realized it until last night – I was like wow I got darker face , body hehee and I haven’t even been to the beach I think if I do id be much darker but I don’t mind. Got to be happy in the skin you’re in and I am happy with me even when it gets darker in summer and not so dark in the cooler months.
Anyways drink extra water, put on that sunscreen and enjoy again drink water keeps the panda eyes and lethargy away too :D
Anyways that’s it for now time to get ready and go meet Mae. Hopefully it will be a great afternoon – umm well it involves books, great company and coffee later it usually is heehee *thoughts drifts to someone far away….. * someone else would be great company too but anyways … I hope I hear from “C” - a little hello, a little silliness a little of everything is good enough for me – and knowing there is a smile on his face even a little one is priceless..
So I am off blog ya laters drink lost of water cause the heat waves upon us .. tsk tsk tsk ..
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