Happy 1st Birthday Mei Lan

And its finally Mei Lan’s fist birthday – I was looking forward to this since I heard of her birth a year ago. And this little Atlanta beauty has grown so much since her birth. She looks so much like her mom especially her fluffy cheeks. This is the most recent picture of her ..

A year ago on this day at 4.51pm an adorable baby panda was brought into the world. A product of proud parents Lun Lun & Yang Yang. Of course at the time of her birth her sex wasn’t determined until about 3 weeks later when it was confirmed she was a girl. a month after her birth mei lan weighed in at 2.91lbs and she was 15.3inches long and she was an adorable little one at that ……….

And a year after much weaning and now solid foods like bamboo mei lan has grown to the following measurements..
Weight: 26.1kg or 57.5kg
Length: (tip of nose to tip of tail) approximately 53 inches
Chest girth: 29.5 inches
Abdomen girth:30.5 inches
Neck circumference: 19 inches
Ear length: almost 4 inches
Wow huh .. I wonder what pandas do on their birthdays – have parties? With party hats and a maybe a birthday cake and all the animals as party guests. As far as im concerned she has no idea it’s her birthday but I am sure she is enjoying all the attention and new enrichment toys she is getting from her fans. So to show how much I adore this little cutie pie I made a little slide show of all my favorite pictures of her …. From the time she was a baby till how she is now ..
The link for this slide show is here …
Isnt she just the cutest little thing? I wish i had her as a pet i would prolly let her care for like she is my own little baby. Call me crazy but I simply adore her – like most people adore their pets I adore this cutie little panda. Her cuddliness, her goofiness, she laziness, her curiosity seem to always bring a laugh a giggle a smile to my days .. my nights of watching her on panda cam never ever leaves me with a dull moment .. Definitely looking forward to seeing her growth ..
Her relationship with her mom and their playfulness often reminds me of me and my mom. That special bond that we share – well I don’t nudge her tho I sometimes tackle her out of love especially when she is laying down watching tv she isn’t happy but nothing a little kiss and a hug to get that smile back on. I think the warmth the mother and cub share the cuddles the hugs and lun lun’s over protectiveness of her daughter just reminds me a lot of my mom. And I do believe mei lan thinks her mom is just as cuddly as I do my mom …
And for anyone who is curious what the panda cams all about you can go to the link before and see the pandas live for yourself …….
To little emm large cute cuddely adorable mei lan Happy 1st Birthday – you are the cutest little thing .. ;))
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