Its all about LOVE & what nots

A wife’s love and worry over her husband, a woman falling in love again after years of grieving. I have seen sacrificial love of giving up the one you love for their happiness or the love between two souls who fell in love at first sight – they unconditional love they shared for nearly fifty years even after his death her love remains – love of the truest form.
We seek love every day often at the wrong places and sometimes its these wrong places that lets us meet the right kind of love. I see the love of a new married couple – young care free and ever so in love. Sometimes we have love for someone it does not mean it’s reciprocated and that would be the worst kind of love or is it? Watching someone you love with some one else and doing all the things you so crave to do with them is heart breaking but that is just the true test of love – if you love them all you want is for them to be happy even if it means it is with someone else. You love them – yes and the prove is when you are sincerely happy about their happiness and you show it even though your heartbreaks. Ahh love can you ever make sense of it ? :P maybe the ones in love can – it to me is confusing yet wonderful, scary yet amazing how this love takes you away hmmm ..maybe one day it all will make sense.
And so tomorrow is September 6th and it’s a shared birth date of two very special individuals – one a bear another human. The bear in question is mei lan who turns one tomorrow – yes I love mei lan she is so adorable. Mei lan is the panda cub at Zoo Atlanta. She has been that piece of warm fuzzy that has brought a smile to my face many a days – watching her silly antics. Sometimes it feels like you watch your child turn one – I have monitored her birth and growth the pass year with thousands of others around the world and tomorrow my baby turns 1 how I am so excited ;)) ..
Another special person who turns umm 30 something something is “C”. though we have seize speaking or writing each other, it doesn’t hurt to remember his birthday seeing he shares it with mei lan and for all the life lessons I have gathered from him these past couple of years. So that’s tomorrow and something to look forward too I am sure for either of them ..
I think since teacher’s day I have been eating more than expected. Heh .. Today was no exception. I went out for dinner with a couple of friends and we had tons of seafood and I think were getting fishy. We had an all girls night out at Fish & Co and it was a lot of fun. We wanted to go for drinks since its Wednesday and ladies night and all but some of these ladies have babies so there goes that idea lol. I guess when you have a husband and kids you make them little sacrifices – which is sweet. Ahh yes how having kids turn your life about for the better I am sure. Fills in that emptiness, completes a womans’ life I would think, relaxes you after a long day with their silliness - sounds like the perfect de stressor and then some but hey I still one of them ;)) … We may have missed the drinks but I know some us got the right kind of loving we so crave .. ;)) – The one that turns you to putty, makes you giddy, all smiles , gives you butterflies in your stomach & makes you feel like falling – that was it right? Heehee ..
And anyways, thank you for everyone’s prayers for my friend Ann and her husband who was admitted to the hospital. I am happy to report he is out of ICU. He is still in the hospital and lets pray that he will be discharged soon insya allah hopefully before Ramadan so that Ann and her family can have a peaceful Ramadan at home.
So that’s it for now a little short entry about what matters to me at this juncture in my life. I am ever so grateful for the chance meetings and the smiles that a certain someone has brought to my days. Sometimes you forget how to laugh to see how funny life can get and it takes certain individuals to remind you in their own way. I think that’s the beauty of life – the endless of string of strangers you meet you end up being friends, lovers and even if they leav, you know they have left a mark in your life - little footprints in your heart in your life.. ..
And as the saying goes .. "
Some people come into our lives, leave footprints in our hearts, and we are never ever the same."
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