it was just a beautiful night..

Anyways tonight was too nice a night to stay in doors. It’s windy out its one of those nights where you want to be out there – have the beautiful night just envelope you in its splendor. A night like this seems familiar yet you’re not sure where you experienced it. After iftar which ended the 12th day of the fast, I took a short trip to the beach just to relax and unwind. I love the beach at night especially when the moon is near full, in spite of the dark clouds, the moon shines through like it has always does. For me it’s a reminder that even on dark days, there will always be that sliver of hope. I love the rippling affect of the moon beam on the water – its so magical makes you want to jump right in. I sat by the water not too close didn’t want to get myself wet – I don’t think the taxi driver would be too happy if got into the cab all wet. I love the smell of the sea, its saltiness its so refreshing makes you come alive , makes you want to jump right in. I love the feel of the sand in between my toes, the cool night breeze against my skin – it seem like almost a perfect night – but you know what? it was.
Nights like these brings forth a peace of mind like no other. Sitting out here, staring out at the tiny lights up on the horizon, ships far away waiting to reach their destination yet enjoying the scenery and experiencing new cultures at every port of call. The islands far away which looks like a sky of colorful lights, home to people of different cultures and language. I wonder how their lives are. Are they sitting and wondering about the island ahead of them. Wondering about their lives, dreaming a little dream? Wishing on a star maybe? Is there someone just like me sitting there and admiring and taking in the beauty of the night sky? I think there is. I feel though we are all very different in so many ways, our life experiences, our hopes our dreams, our tears, our struggles serves as a connecting factor in this journey we call life.
I am thankful for a night like this where I am able to reflect and contemplate. Get a sense of peace and relaxation. And be able to see just how blessed I am to be where I am.
Something “C” wrote to me today made me think. How selfish we can be when we think about the hardships or problems that we have to endure because we forget to see there are many others who are less fortunate. They have bigger and serious problems to deal with. I have to admit, at the start of Ramadan when things were a little too much, I over looked that, I was aware yet I over looked. I guess I was so wound up on what I was feeling to even contemplate that. Thank you for reminding me “C”. I guess sometimes we do need reminding.
The picture with this blog isn’t the view I had tonight, but it’s just so beautiful I wanted to put it up on my blog. I love the moon and the night sky and I love how in the picture, the moon illuminates the sky and make Venus shine so bright. I found that image here
Life’s beauty surrounds us yet we move ever to fast to take notice. We take the morning sun for granted, or that little kid at the bus stop we see every morning whose always smiling, We get caught up in our own lives that we forget to pause and realize there are others around us who needs a smile, a kind word or just know that there is someone who cares. Maybe its time to really take notice and really let them know – just a thought.
Though I haven’t found what’s missing in my life, I enjoyed my evening none the less and I am not as tired anymore. Today was a good day for sure and tonight it was just a beautiful night…..
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