sleepy tuesday morning

Lanterns in the day you ask? its the mid autumn festival celebration today in school and have we moon cakes and lanterns for the Chinese festival Seeing its in the day at school, we usually darken the rooms so the pretty lanterns they light up will shine brightly and will they enjoy it. Sometimes the boys would go “BOO oooooo , I am a ghost and im going to catch you ‘, - just to scare the girls. I guess guys start this whole scaring girls business pretty young huh ;)) just kidding ….. If anyone actually got offended by that I suggest you give your funny bone a check up. ;))
You know there are actually some guys who scare women just by being charming you know the whole sweet talk and what not and much to the woman’s dismay he was just a mere player, telling them what they want to hear sheesh … – what gives eh? Whatever happened to sincerity & honesty? ;)) before I get accused of male bashing – I think some women do it too so there fair and square but my morning question still remains - answers anyone? :D
Today we go into the 13th day of Ramadan, I can’t believe its gone that fast. I guess time do fly when you’re having fun or doing something good huh. Last night just before breaking of fast there was a short sermon about having patience and how much our patience are being tried this month. According to him, the more faith we instill within ourselves the more tests are being given to us and it helps build our patience in facing these tests. Life is a constant struggle in little ways and big ways but if we have faith things do seem to be a lot easier and work itself out. He mentioned about being patient with people especially those who have hurt us or done us wrong. Think before you act was his messaged especially during this time seeing that we want to have a flawless fast so if someone steps on our toes, we just have to keep quiet and be patient instead of lashing back at them – because when we lash out in anger we might say things that we don’t mean and when we look back there might be regret but by then it might be too late - that makes sense to me. All the while he gave that short sermon, I thought about my estranged relationship with my aunt - my mom’s youngest sister. Anyways that’s another story ..
I am so sleepy today. On a day like today I wish I was a panda – all they do is sleep play eat sleep play eat what a life huh and even when they grow big fat and fluffy everyone still loves them heeheee.. ahh a bears life .. I think im so sleepy because I watched panda cam and all mei lan was doing all day was sleep what a lucky little panda. just thought id share a sleepy update of mei land and her parents…As a sleeping panda is a happy panda, I think a sleeping iffa is definitely a happy iffa ;)) .. here is another cute picture of mei lan in her cute pose – while relaxing or showing her rear to the world ;)) she is still little miss adorable ..
Monday, September 24
Sleeping bears, YEAH!!! Okay, at least not today, from what I have seen. But this weekend was a nice one, because even though we did not have much bamboo that was to their liking, the bears didn’t complain much and slept instead. Yang was the champion of the weekend sleeping match (even beating out Mei Lan if you ask me). While outside, he just lay back there in his cave and slumbered contently. Who knows why, but typically over the summer, he just sleeps and doesn’t eat much. We haven’t really seen much of that this year, except for the last few days. But as any giant panda keeper will tell you, a sleeping panda is a happy panda.
Joseph T. Svoke
Carnivore Keeper II
My attempts at keeping this short obviously proved futile. What I intended as a good morning and an inspiration turned out to be longer than I expected ;)). Anyways ill post the inspirational write up in another blog ..
Anyways have a great Tuesday everyone! Be Good ;)) don’t let the little things get to ya! Have a wonderful day!

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