vegging out vs a day at the beach

Yahoo has been a real pest lately since last night actually , I sometimes wonder if its just my internet or yahoo but when I really look at its yahoo – and its just not about yahoo 360 it’s the whole instant messaging. Messages can’t be seen, comments can’t be seen, mailboxes cant work – hmmmmmmmm yoo hoo yahoo what is up with that? I am missed out on some of my most very important conversations yesterday and I wasn’t too happy about it. Don’t get me wrong I love yahoo – who doesn’t love anything’s that free lol but when a free service with such a great track record starts giving you headaches – hmmm you cant help but bitch and moan about it .. Anyways I hope it behaves today.. Keeping my fingers, eyes and toes crossed..
I had my vent ……. Now ..
And so I slept in today , a little more rest for myself seeing how drained I am physically and mentally and since Monday the new and final school term begins no more sleeping ins for me – but that’s just fine – sleep and I were never the best of friends anyways .. I am not shy to say that I didn’t wake up till noon today :P and I know I am not the only one who has don’t this but anyways, I think I am just really really tired. You would think school holidays was a time of relaxation but it wasn’t for me – I have been out a lot more than I have been at home and I if was I home I was in the kitchen but that’s ok. Today’s sleeping in made up for it all – I figured since it’s the last day of my vacation I would get really lazy and walk around in my house coat and sleep and eat and sleep like a panda – nothing wrong right but then I wanted to go to the beach again – I was weighing it down and finally decided to head out to the beach.
With Ramadan coming and school starting I don’t think I will be going to the beach for a while so to the beach I went scraping the whole vegging out idea I guess a day at the beach wins this one ....
I spent an afternoon at the beach. Today instead of just sitting around- I decided to cycle. And I think luck wasn’t on my side today – miss klutz here fell on her butt hahaaha .. well before anyone goes laughing I am happy to say I am fine ( thanks for caring .. not) just a few minor scratches and that I laughed at myself before anyone did – saves me tons of embarrassment . Yeah I was embarrassed – if I had company it wouldn’t be so bad but when you’re alone and fall off a bicycle well that’s a whole different story well anyways I survived that ordeal none the less and continued on my journey. I love cycling by the beach – it’s so pretty especially when you go further up towards the side of the airport – you have the expressway to the airport on one side and white sand beaches another and the breeze against your face – you cycle and forget everything else until you fall of your bike hahaha but anyways ..
I reached a little spot where there this pretty garden with what appears to be a spiral look out – I think I actually blogged about this how it could actually be a beauty replica of a wedding cake . The park had arches with beautiful bougainvilleas covering it much like one you will find at weddings. The fences were white as was the spiral structure - I was just thinking how beautiful it was to have beach/garden wedding right there. They have all the right elements and come nighttime on a full moon oh so romantic. and no I am not getting married lol just my very romantic & dreamy side shining through heehee . After that fall I needed my moment. My mind was going places on how they should really consider making it a wedding venue. The couples could probably stand on the structure waving to the crowd and the bride can even through the bridal bouquet from the structure.. maybe someone already had a wedding there I don’t know but seriously if anyone lives in Singapore – should go check it out it’s the beach near the PA campsite or something like that.
My beach days are always fun – even if I do nothing except maybe watch airplanes or looking out in the horizon – sometimes the solitude and time alone is nice and sometimes its also nice to have someone there with you just looking out – holding hands not saying anything but just enjoying the view and each others company. Or just walking along the beach hand in hand, building sand castles together cycling on a two wheeler or even on one – at least when you fall you know there is some there to catch you .. yes I am a dreamer aren’t you ? ……..
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