a day of many things pt1
Its Friday finally – never thought I would be so looking forward to the weekends lol now after long weeks at school I actually do and even I don’t sleep in I know I will have some ME time – Lord knows I am so in need of that. I think this past week my focus have been on work and work and work which left me little time for me so I am going to make it a point to make this weekend mine by relaxing and unwinding and we will see what else. And a what today was - a day of this and that.. pandas, emails , memories and all that makes for a very interesting day when so many things happen all at once – good things that is hee hee.. .
For starters its panda update .. Little mei lan who isn’t very little anymore is 10mths old today and this week she weighs 20.5kg. She does look a lot bigger than usual and this cute picture of her is an indication of that. Cute isn’t it …

See how much she has grown? I was looking at a picture of her on my desktop from a few weeks ago and she seem so much smaller then more babyish now she isn’t so much if you see from the but when you look a little closer she still poses that babyish charm .. :D
When I finally got to my computer and checked my email I was really happy to see an email from “C” that just topped the day off. He is doing well and he is safe and seems much happier which a good thing. I am happy when he is happy when he gets to do things that makes him smile and having things work for him .. No reason needed .I guess being happy for someone who means something to you is a natural thing I would think...
Today after work I had to help mom bake some cakes. And my aunt was here too not moms sister but another aunt who always helped mom with the cakes when I was little anyways .. we were making kuih lapis (it’s a cake which has spices in them and its baked layer by later till you get a whole cake. The whole process takes about 2 hours depending on how fast and how many ovens you have).
The whole process of making the cake mix is a long one though the baking is relatively fast & easy inspite of having to do it a layer at a time.

Anyways .. I was breaking the eggs and separating the whites from the yolks. While I was doing this, one of the eggs had twin yolks I was thinking wow maybe I will have twins someday ;)) I was excited and really took care of the yolks after a couple more eggs , there were another set of twin yolks just how cool was that I told my aunt that maybe this is a sign that I will have two sets of twins all at one go lol .. that would truly be a blessing for me anyways .. I took great care in picking the yolks to transfer them to the mixing bowl and it stayed in tact the whole time – it just brought a smile to my face.
There s a believe here in our culture when you get things in pairs like that it means that when you have children you will get twins – it’s a believe that has been down from generations how far its true I don’t really know but you can always hope that its true. Seeing how I am getting 2 sets of twins before im forty is perfect – no more labour pains after ..*stares into space* … maybe someday ….
One thing I love about making this cake is the aroma of the cake. It just fills up the whole house – and when waking up you can smell it – it’s a beautiful aroma hmmm I wonder if they would consider making it into perfume oil – it would be great and one things’ for sure it won’t be so greasy.
My mom has been making this cake for the past 50 years or so and when we help her make it she expects us to do it just like how she did a few years ago right down to the smallest detail. From my own experience which ever procedure I followed it came out just the way mom makes it but it seems she wouldn’t have it that way so we had to follow her instructions to the tee. She would nag if we messed up so in the end we followed her very instructions.
While we were baking, my mom was resting in the room and I was in the kitchen with my aunt. She said to me do you know why your mom is so particular about the way its done? I said no I don’t. She said to me my grandfather was a very particular man especially when it came down to the details of cooking and baking. She said she recalled when she was at helping my mom bake cakes a long time ago and how my grandfather had a lot to comment about making sure it was perfect and done the right way. He would tell her she was doing it wrong and she should be doing it this way and that way and she would get agitated saying its fine but he insisted lol .. WOW was that familiar. That’s exactly what she does right now and it doesn’t just involve cooking. She is doing what granddad did you her – I guess you do take after your family parents which is a good sometimes especially when it works to your advantage. When my aunt told me that suddenly a ligh bulb lit over my head – it all makes sense and in some strange way it makes you adapt to her instructions better and telling yourself when you have children someday you are not going do what parents did – then again you always end up doing it anyways hahaha..
The explanation from my aunt came with so many stories about mom grandma and grandpa and I figured I would write a separate blog for with some pictures of course.
Seeing I am trying to keep this short I will continue with a pt 2 in another tomorrow so to all nite nite and this will be continued tomorrow …
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