
Today I am starting on my diet again – with the weddings and what not it was kind of hard to stay on track but now that the weddings down to a minimal I think its time to get there again – so starting today I am going to make it a point to walk up a little early and either jog or walk in the park downstairs for about 30 mins every morning. Today was a breeze seeing that it a school holiday here cause of youth day so I could start my regime a little late but tomorrow onwards it has to be a little early so I have to program myself ..
I wouldn’t call it a diet but more about keeping fit and in shape and of course healthy . lets face it I am not getting any younger and when I am in my 50’s I would still like to have the energy of a 20 year old ;)) and if I don’t start now when else right .. and I think its also about the food we eat and what not. I hope my other first & second cousins don’t get married for at least 5 years *grin*..
So anyways .. still no news from ‘C”.. maybe there is some internet problems maybe he didn’t receive my emails I sent tons lol I don’t know so many maybes just no definite anyways whatever it is I just hope he is doing good and maybe if I am lucky I will hear from him soon and maybe if it sthe internet glitch it will work out soon cause I am just starting to worry is all .. cause he just upped and gone email wise that is. So I am keeping my fingers crossed my hopes high and faith in tact that everything is ok over there ..
My dreams of “C” last night was of the lingering kind again last night – you know he just standing there and watching. I know he is there – because I can feel it and when I turn to look over my shoulder there is that tiny glimpse of him – I am really not sure what it means of what it is but its nice sometimes and overwhelming sometimes…
I dreamt of mushrooms last night hahah .. I dreamt I was buying mushrooms and couldn’t decide whether I wanted white button mushrooms or preserved mushrooms and it was like déjà vu cause last month when my aunt was in the hospital and I was making chicken porridge for her she said she dint want preserved mushrooms she wanted fresh white button mushrooms instead heh maybe that’s where it came from .. and then there was portobello mushrooms lol wait that I remember cause when I was at the supermarket in the check out , the lady in front of me bought a pack of portobello mushrooms and I was thinking it would be yummy to make stuffed portobllo mushrooms and I wondered what she was going to make .. Don’t you do that sometimes? When I see other people’s grocery basket I wonder what they are making that with all the things they’ve bought ….
As I am typing this I can hear the sounds of drills saws and its kind of annoying – I am getting irritated with all that noise from upstairs ;)) .. its hard to focus .. it seems the renovations are still going on and I think it will be going for the next 2 weeks or so. I think we will be having new neighbors too cause yesterday I saw a family moving out of their home - I think they live on the 7th floor or something..
Last night in my dreams I saw the most amazing sunsets ever. I have seen tons of pictures of sunsets and some live sunsets but it can’t beat what I saw in my dreams. It was the biggest & brightest sunset over the water – which was clear blue and has dark blues here and there and the sky was scattered with little diamonds it was a dark grey color – it was just gorgeous and everyone in my dream was watching it.. I actually remembered taking a picture of it in my dreams and then I woke up …. What a dream to wake up from huh ..
And so I am off I think I am going bake me some corn muffins today so I have something to bring to work tomorrow, get things ready for school and maybe just relax and go for a walk later in the afternoon and maybe today will be a bearer of good news – keeping fingers crossed and between and much later I am giving the lappie a break tee hee Cant spent the whole day in front of the lappie now can I ;)) ..
And since we were on the subject of dreams here is a quote by Oscar Wilde that I like ..
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
-Oscar Wilde
Have a happy Monday the lovers, the dreamers and me ;)) and you ;))
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