finding my muse through blogthings...
So I am sitting here in front of my lappie and can’t seem to write anything - I have the ideas just don’t know how and where to start. I hate it when I get days like these – feels like I am getting lazy or my ideas just decided to take a break just when I am ready to well not so ready to return to school tomorrow. Well anyways I tried looking for my creative muse everywhere in people’s blogs, in conversations but still nothing so I thought maybe a little dablling with blogthings could get my creative juices flowing.
In light of that I did the following tests at random of course and got the test ideas from other blogs and thought I would take them and ta-da my results are in ……. LOL I think I was born 8 years too late – well according to the test. But I think its true to some extend – I am into the 60’s flower power, peace, music and what not and the drugs thing wasn’t me but I would like to think I am still a free spirit.
You Belong in 1965 |
![]() |
I dared myself and took the how men viewed me test. I was rather surprised with the results – not really sure if I believe it but hey its not about how I see myself but more how men see me – do I even dare ask my male friends how they see me ? hahah maybe I wont and just believe what the test say .. *grin*
Men See You As Understated |
![]() You are an intreguing mix of girl and woman. You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know well |
I am not so sure about the results to the are you a romantic or realist test. If anyone knows me they know how into romance I can get ;)). But who cares I like what the results came back with .. :D
You are a Romantic Realist |
![]() Okay, so you fall in the middle. You are the best of both worlds |
When I initially took the what kind of carnival ride are you test I was pretty sure a rollercoaster was what the answer would be – seeing how my life have been lately but lo and behold surprise surprise .. it came back as something else.. so I decided to have it on a separate blog entry seeing how much it really describes me tee hee ..
Test number 3 drum roll …. Will your true love find you test .. hmmmmmmm not really looking though I know what I want. I was always told to not look and it will come around I don’t know anymore but anyways I took the test just for the fun of it and oh so lucky me my true love will find me whoever he maybe .. the funny thing about the results is sure love comes my way but it always ends up getting me hurt lol what is up with that stupid cupid? :P
You True Love Will Find You |
![]() It's very easy for you to find love - and for love to find you. The best part is, you're never even actively looking to meet someone. You're just out there so much that love always seems to come your way. |
I decided to take this test only because its so cute .. the alien looks cute at least .. so was I abducted ???????? there was a 48 percent chance I was –explains a lot huh and btw the little green alien is kind of cute in a scary kind of way ..
There's a 48% Chance You've Been Abducted By Aliens |
![]() Let's face it. You're just a little weirder than most people. |
I was just looking through the tests and there are actually some tests that I would be caught dead taking rather posting. So I took them without posting the results and Lord knows they were so right hahahaa…. Doo bee doo … All I can say for the next test is I need to slow down and take a much needed vacation away from all that’s familiar – sounds like a plan don’t it ..
You Are 51% Burned Out |
![]() You probably have been feeling a little rundown and irritable lately. If you can, drop a few of your minor responsibilities and focus on what's really important. You have too much on your plate, and it's catching up with you. |
I am so blushing at the pick up line i could use to get a man lord have mercy lol I am a tad daring but NOT that daring lol .. if anyones even wondering go try the test yourself you will know what I mean for sure. So I decided to end my blogthings addiction with the what is your heart feeling test – not really sure about the results but I know I chose the color based on its color cause it matches my 360 page and of course the flowers ;)) ..
Your Heart is Feeling Hopeful |
![]() Whether you're in a relationship that's deepening or found a new love, your feelings are slowly changing. You're remembering how amazing love feels - and discovering emotions you've never felt before. Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Getting a little carried away Your current outlook on love: Optimistic and playful Your love life will improve if you: Stop and reflect on how your love is changing Watch out for: Falling too hard, too fast - you've got to let your sweetie catch up with you! |
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