saturdays, pandas & pink jelly
Back to my McDonalds breakfast – I had a sausage mcmuffin with egg, a hash brown and an ice tea. The food was great but I can’t really say much for the iced lemon tea I think home brewed is better though they use to have really good iced lemon tea – talk about quality control huh. My trip to McDonalds for breakfast is not something I do every week or every day its just that sometimes we just have the cravings for it – but lets face it is pretty good. Maybe I shouldn’t complain seeing that McDonalds isn’t the place to compare good iced tea with.
Anyways, his morning I woke up a little early than usual why I say than usual its probably because its my school vacation week and I usually don’t get up till 8 or so but I woke up a little after five this. I guess sleep wasn’t my friend today. I tried to get back to sleep but it was impossible, I rolled around in bed while hearing the thunder rolled around for a little while before the rain finally fell. I can hear it beating against the pavements. There is something soothing about the rain, the sound of it as it falls down from the sky, like a gush and when it hits the ground – the sound it makes so beautiful.
As the rain falls, soothing relaxing music is coming from my laptop as I write this. I checked on my birthday girl’s update and guess what she actually had a birthday cake. Isn’t that sweet – and I was looking at her fan mail. Heck even a panda has fans lol should I be jealous? Here is the link to mei lans fan mail – its just adorable and so sweet how she is adored by people young and old far and near.
I also s checked out mei lans birthday update and the presents. It seems that she slept most of her birthday haahah poor kid but when she got up she sure did enjoy her birthday ‘cake’ and as you can see mommy lun lun is nudging at her probably wanting a piece of the cake emm err ice sculpture cake ;))..
the birthday cake sits while a sleeping mei lan snoozes on her fav safe spot.
Here is all the fuss & muss updates from zoo
Thursday, September 6
Well, what can I say but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEI LAN!!! It's been a very busy day here at Panda Central, and we've been doing our best to make this an awesome experience for Mei Lan, her parents, and all of the dignitaries here at the zoo. Of course, a party wouldn't be a party without you, our valued friends of the zoo and panda fans! We had cakes, sponsored by and served by our friends at Pandas Unlimited, and a new toy for Mei Lan from our sponsors Delta Airlines. There are people everywhere joining in the fun amidst traditional Chinese dancers and artists, as we're kicking off the Panda Art Festival as well.
Mei Lan is a little overwhelmed, and when presented with her new ball, checked it out, then went for a nap in her safe spot. Not long after a birthday lunch with mom though, she rolled around with the ball for a while, before zooming into the other dayroom to play with mom and her special birthday ice sculpture (scented with mouthwash, made by Kate). A long and busy day, with more treats and cakes to come later. Stay tuned on Pandacam to join in the fun.
And a special note. Thank you to Delta for their gift, and to all of you thoughtful panda folks for the wonderful cards and panda toys you sent in. We truly appreciate the thoughts and support. Special thanks to Pandas Unlimited for their ongoing friendship, and also to our special panda-friend Michelle and her mom Leanne who continue to raise funds for panda enrichment. And last but certainly not least, to FLOP and Doodlebugs for their generous contributions to make Mei Lan's first birthday the best seen anywhere!!!
And Mei Lan says thank you to her gramma for the birthday wish.
We couldn't do this without you all. Thank you from us, and have a great first birthday!
Jay Pratte
Carnivore Keeper III
The market today was rather quiet considering it’s a Saturday – but I was at the poultry and fruits section – the other parts of the market might have been busier. There was a new girl at the eggs store - the only store that sells farm fresh eggs. Compared to the supermarket – the eggs here are rather cheap especially for those buy them in bulk. Today I was looking for double aa eggs the largest of the lot. They don’t have that size so I opted for a single which wasn’t as bad. I remember when we bought the double aa eggs and when we broke them there were twin yolks in it – so sweet isn’t it – I guess when people want kids to them its an indication that they hope to get twins – maybe its an old believe – twin egg yolks, twin bananas (Yes you read right) which are enjoined together usually means the pregnant person will be getting twins – who knows right anything is possible and I think they believe this probably because it has happened to them before.
With eggs in tow I headed home and mom and I made agar agar merah jambu or pink jelly though it’s not really jelly though it does use jelly powder to set it. This cake is a layered cake made of whipped egg whites layered with a cake that has diced dried fruits in it. It has a mouse texture to it and it literary melts in your mouth. Someone placed an order for this cake today for a party tomorrow so me being the apprentice I am learning this recipe from mom. It’s a rather easy cake to make but what makes it a little tedious is the process of layering and switching tins and baking 2 layers of cake at a time and the need for extra mixing bowls. That coming from me someone who is learning but to my mom it’s a norm and often when I see make these cakes – she makes it seem so easy. I suppose with her kind of experience everything seems to be easy.
We didn’t finish in the kitchen clean up and all after which I was so darn tired which I have been in recent days – I guess an over working mind and the lack of sleep is the cause of many things. So that’s enough ramblings for one day – I wish I had pictures to show for the cakes but maybe another time. So that’s it for now from a very tired island girl from the garden town of
Have a great weekend all ..
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