Groovy Island Girl interesting finds.good & bad times.friends.people.what matters.what doesnt.what nots - in this journey of life of an island girl in an island state.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sometimes I wish - (A Poem)

i wrote this poem today after a little incident.. I guess my state of mind when i wrote was not what it should have been and it seems inspiration in this case one full of wishes and questions come about ... - Sometimes we feel like were are tied down - and there so many things that we yearn to do yet we have responsibilities which stop us from doing those things - and at the back of our minds or that little voice in our minds speak shout and wish that things were diffrent ... maybe people can relate to this poem i wrote..

Sometimes I wish ...

sometimes i wish i was free
like the birds in the sky
the wind that blows
and the rain that falls
free from all restrains that seem to tie me down
free from guilt and little mind games that are always played
sometimes i wish i was free
to be who i am
to make choices with no influences
other that of my own ..
sometimes i wish i was free
to go places here & there
without having to feel remorse or despair
to live my dreams the way i see fit
sometimes i wish i was free
to think what i do
without having being critized or judged
i wish i was like a butterfly breaking free of this cacoon
Flying free bracing weather good & bad
yet still free happy & beautiful ..
sometimes i wish i was understood
and accepted for who i truly am
by those so dear to me ....
by those i love so much ..
so sometimes i wish
for wishes do come true
for an answer maybe
and acceptance too?


Books-o-resolution Part 1

I love books what can i say - it takes me to places, opens me up to new ideas & enviroments and for a moment in time i can live someone else's life - some good some bad but at least you get to feel it through the written word ... anyways sometimes i think i can stick to books rather than i do goals though i am trying - you know the whole new year new me blah blah blah ... anyways before i go making my new years resolutions , goals & what nots i think id list the books id like to read buy collect .. drumm roll please ...... Ta dah! the 2007 iffa books list ..

1- The Kite Runner

2- Summers Child

3- The Blog of War

4- Ex-Libris-Confessions-Common-Reader

5- Amazing Grace

6- A piece of cake

7-Love in the the time of cholera

8-Sputnik Sweetheart

9-The Little Prisoner

10- French Woman for All Seasons

11-Moral Disorder

12- Queen of Dreams

13- Touchy Subjects

14- Seducing the demon

15- The Consolations of Philosophy

16- The Four Agreements

17- One Hundred years of solitute

18- 1000 Places to see before you die

19-YOU: The Owner's Manual: An Insider's Guide to the Body that Will Make You Healthier and Younger

20-The Memory Keeper's Daughter

Thats the list so far .. knowing me id probably not follow the list but because its like a new years resolutions chances are i will unless its not in stock or requires a special order. Anyways thats my list - aside from these books anyone would like to recommend more any more books?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Giving Yourself the Gift of Love

i enjoyed this article that i received in my email and figured id share it. Its clever and very well written. It serves as guide in knowing who you are and your worth. Its about loving yourself and giving yourself that gift of love. Be it Christmas or any other festival we often think about others that we often forget all about ourselves so this is a little something that we can do for ourselves - learn more about selves and find things that we are worth loving about us .. enjoy it all - a little something for the new year too ...

Giving Yourself the Gift of Love

The real key to your wishes coming true

In this season of giving, you'll probably spend hours planning, buying and giving gifts. While it's wonderful to experience the joy of giving to others, you can also use this special time to focus on one of the most important gifts in life: giving yourself the gift of love.

Make a list, check it twice
In the spirit of the season, be like Santa and make a list -- but instead of listing who's naughty and nice, write down all the things you love about yourself. Now's not the time to be modest - consider the kindness you've shown others, your personal strengths and the things you've accomplished in your life. When you really think about it, there's a lot to love about yourself!

Get nestled all snug in your bed
Part of loving yourself is learning to treat your body with the care and respect it deserves -- which means that no matter how busy the holiday season is, you take the time to rest. Spend a few minutes each day relaxing, reading a good book or writing a journal. Even better, make a commitment to yourself to get a good night's sleep every night. Your mind and body will be thankful for the gift of rest all year round.

Deck the halls
As you learn to love yourself, you'll start to pay attention to the environment around you. You can take care of your mind, body and spirit by avoiding toxic people and situations that you know will only end up hurting you. You can also make your home a haven from the hustle and bustle of the world by filling it with things you love -- music, pillows, candles -- whatever makes you happy and puts your soul at ease.

Be Jolly
Loving yourself is also about figuring out what really makes you happy -- and then making life choices that will result in that happiness. Let go of expectations and stop worrying about what other people think. Instead, examine what you require for true, long-lasting happiness. By focusing on your own wants and needs and you'll be taking the first step toward making your dreams come true.

Peace on Earth
Peace on earth starts in your own heart. If you want to be more loving to others, be more loving to yourself. If you want to be less judgmental, judge yourself less. Go easy on yourself and forgive your own mistakes. Surround yourself with positive energy and healthy people. See yourself and others through love and you'll find more peace and joy in your heart and on earth.

Love yourself forever
The best part about learning to love yourself? It's a gift that will last forever - through romantic heartbreak, career setbacks and personal loss. It's a gift that will change your life this holiday season and all the holidays to come. It's a gift that will change your life, and just maybe, the whole world.

by Lisa Weseman
Published: 12/21/2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

nasi kicap telor,colds & more ..

Today was a rather uneventful day for me . It didnt rain as much as id hope it would last night but it did in the wee hours of this morning - so it was rather a cooling night and it went on to rain later in the day which i liked but it stopped towards the evening at least where i leave. I was fighting a cold and cramps for the most part of the day. The cold due to my little walk in the rain the day before - the irony of it all is that i went out to get an umbrella cos there was none at home - when the rain subsided for a few moments i left for the mall and after getting an umbrella on my way back home - it rained really heavily - i decided to just carry the umbrella and walk in the rain instead heh heh - it was at night the winds was blowing rain falling hard and i was a happy little camper - jumping in puddles of water and laughing at myself - i guess im not laughing now ....,,,,,,,,,,,(phew that was a mouth full..........)My big nose is even bigger and red kinda like Rudolph - go figure its the christmas season ;)) .. so if anyone needs a red nosed reinderr errr red nosed iffa to guide your sleigh you know where to find me ...

I took more pictures of clouds yesterday evening - i love clouds and sunsets so as much as possible i try and take pictures of them or collect them where i can .... The slides are below .....It was pretty dark considering it was only 530pm . The pictures at taken from my neighbourhood btw ;)) .. there is a park downstairs with a blue pathway which i wish was actually a lake or something - hey i can dream cant i ..

I got up at about a little after 8 am i think and had a brief chat with 'C' who was on the way out to a party - lucky devil ;)) .. i guess some us would be busy partying tee hee and having fun - he deserves it after all he has been through this first few months of the year and missing christmas with his family and friends last year ... and he knows im glad he is happy hahah among other things .. doo bee doo ... anywways .. .. after he left i went back to sleep cos i felt icky - only to wake up at noon feeling a little better -

Like always i hung out with my mom who isnt doing too well either - she has sa heartburn :( i think its from the sauce she had yesterday which she added a little too much vinegar too .. tsk tsk tsk she should have known better :P .. well long story short we had our usual afternoon chatter while she ate and i was frying fish crackers or 'keropok' ... Its a famous snack here in this region at least in Malaysia & Singapore .. Its basically made from fresh fish which is mashed and then sliced thinly after which they are left to completely dry before being packaged - the most famous and delicious fish crackers personally for me would be from Trengganu - its a fishing city with beaches all over - and i just love it! Its on the east of the malaysian peninsular.. Fish crackers need to be deep fried in very hot oil - when its all fluffed up its ready to be devoured ;)).. when were at my grandma's the domestic engineer would fry tins of it and it will finish pretty fast ;)) .. its nice eaten with rice or dipped in chillie sauce or eaten on its own ..

. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting before the deep frying Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting in the frying pan Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting after the frying pan crispy & yummy

Nasi Kicap Telor ...Its a malay word for a dish simply meaning rice in soy sauce with eggs lol wait that didnt come out right .. anyways its actually fried rice with soy n eggs nasi(rice) kicap(dark soy sauce) telor(eggs).. Its the simplest of dish though the not prettiest but its delish and quick to make too. Best eaten on its own or with fish crackers and cucumbers like in the picture below

- Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

that was my lunch and the only meal i had all day which i think its good cos i burned the carbs when i walked around at the mall earlier this evening .. Anyways i call it a lazy dish cos on days when im too lazy too cook ill just make this .. ;)) ... This is actually a dish from growing up too - a kids dish. our dishes were always spicy and as kid i couldnt take the heat so i was served this to make up for - i loved it as kid and still do - just one of those things that stick with ya ... and right now my near to 3 yr old niece and my cousin just love this .. There have been some improvisations made to the dish like adding sliced oniones and garlic or frying it with butter or ghee - but nothing beats the original .. welcome to my world of nasi kicap telor ....if anyones actually interested all you need to do is scramble the egg in a little oil , add the rice n soy sauce mix it all together and voila you get yourself a quick easy filling dish and since i am on a diet my portions was small this time round .. heeheee ..

So that was my day - went to the mall , then the post office to mail some things which seem like a very testy time for the clerks and the patrons.. It was after 5pm and i think only about 4 counters were opened and the que was pretty long on both sides - by the time it was my turn the printer ribbon hit a snitch ;)) .. poor lady she had to fix it and next to me was a lady who was asking all sorts of silly questions much to the agitation of the male clerk but he just kept on smiling - tho i know for a fact everyone else was cussin under their breath - i wonder if she noticed how long the que was ... ;)) .. I think holiday seasons are the most stressful for these workers - i hope they dont get too stressed out ..

The Amazing Race Asia is down to 6 teams(Thailand, 2 teams from Malaysia, Sri Lanka & Hong Kong) - 4 teams down which included Singapore and the other three were 2 teams from the Phillipines and India . The teams took to Singapore and Bangkok, Thailand on this leg of the race and luckily for the Malaysian team of Zabrina and Joejer ,who came in last ,this was a non elimination leg.

The rains falling again - i can hear it im so happy !!! Another nice night of sleep if i can get to sleep early enought heheee.. its nearly midnight, in Singapore and much of the region its 3 days to Christmas and everyones busy doing last minute shopping as the scene was at the mall ... Families get together, reunited after months of seperation, goodwill towards mankind - thats the spirit of Christmas and im glad so many of the people that i care about are getting that chance this year ...

Have a good one day night or morning! Blog ya laters world ..

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ms Nin, pickled limes & bright skies ..

My title probably carries the most unlikely combination but yes that was my morning for the most part. A morning of inspirations from Ms Nin, admiring the bright skies outside and watching my mom make pickled limes (yup she is in town...) for the first time ...

Anais Nin is one of my favorite female writers of all time. Her book Delta of Venus is on my too buy list..... I really like the quote that comes with this blog -

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting in many ways it says alot about me - and i think most women too. I wouldnt know but i could safely assume. If anyones keen on reading more about her or her works you can so here. I obviously forgot how to put that into html hehee ... anyways ...

My mom came over at noon today - she will be staying for a while im sure at least for the next week which is cool with me. Its nice having her around except when she gets upset at me for being me ( long story .. heeheee) .. anyways, we had a nice chat at the kitchen while i was preparing lunch and she was busy cutting open the pink pomelo and removing all its sacs to a bowl so she can chill it and have it as a snack. We talked about my cute grandma who is afraid of the new domestic engineer (hehee or home helper or maid i prefer domestic engineer heehee) ... This really got me mad & worried cos my grandmother is usually never afraid of the maids in the past (im not sure if its just cos of her old age or the so called domestic engineer did something or said something) - i just hope that she didnt threathen my grandmother or anything sigh ... Its sad you know if she actually did something - for one my grandmother is old and secondly my aunt and the rest of her family have actually been really nice to her - she on the other hand seem to be giving problems to everyone else - i hope for her sake she will change so they dont have to send her home. Anyways i called my cousin and ask her to look out for grandma ...

My mom was making pickled lime from scratch - we usually just have it and take it for granted that its always there. I always thought she bought it today i was enlighten lol . she made them from scratch and here i was wondering what all those limes were for ... She diligently removed all the skin from the limes about 10 big ones and she had about 20 or so of mixed sized limes and course salt. She slit the top of the limes into quarts and put in the salt and the arranged it in the jar. I had the honor of squeezing the juice of the remaining limes which was then poured into the jar. She said it has to be pickled in a cupboard cos the sunlight can dry up the moisture and now its sitting in the pantry until it gets done - not sure how long it will take but she said well know when its done - shes the pro so im taking her word for it. And once i ts done yummmyy its taste good especially when you mash with slice onions, as well as red & green chillies ... let the pickling begin ... below are pics of the soon to be pickled limes ...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting side view of the limes

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting top view of the limes

Its about 350pm here and the it seems to be getting darker i guess mr rain is going to pay us a visit again yay!! im glad i took pictures of the sky from earlier this afternoon - it was so bright till i had to squint my eyes when i took the pictures heheee.. i had the little rain effect on the slides only becos i named the slide sunshine after the rain and well it looked kinda pretty heehee... i think ill take more shots of the sky after im done im blogging this. Here are the slides of the pretty bright sky - ....

That was my day so far. The morning was good i got re assured that everything was alright which was a consolation for me cos i dont enjoy people being upset at me so when i got a message this morning from 'C' that everything was fine - i was a happy camper - a drowsy sleepy camper but happy none the less .... ;))

I can hear the wind as im typing this - yep were all up for another rain storm yay!!! Im looking forward to it ... and on that note have a happy mid week everyone! blog ya laters ..

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The rain & weddings

It rained on someones wedding - never on my parade.. i was dressed in my wedding best fille with glee ever so tempted to jump in the rain - the puddles of water and the rain pounding the earth with no mercy, the winds blowing ever so strongly seems to be calling out to me coaxing me 'jump in'',"feel us" "get all wet and dance with us" - Alas as tempting as all that may seem today however i have to keep myself all dry and nice hehee... The thunder is still rumbling like my belly .. Ligthing flashes all around - followed by the sound of thunder. I hoped that no one gave the wedding a miss because of the weather - it would definitely have been sad for the family - as much as i love the rain i felt bad for them seeing how bad the weather was this afternoon - but it did however calm down after a while and it actually stopped for a little while and then continued its wrath but the reception hall was filled with alot of people none the less so that was a good thing.

Like most weddings i attend i have no idea who the couple were - to a foreigner that would definitely seem odd but its a norm here and the younger generation is striving to change it all tho seriously it would definitely be a challenge. Anwyays i do know the mother of the groom tho so that made it not so bad. It was a simple wedding and me i live for simplicity - it was grand inspite of its simplicity so all in all i enjoyed myself. I caught with mom whom i havent seen in over a week and i was so thrilled - hugged her kissed her, both our cheeks were covered with lipstick stains (dont you just hate it when that happens) heehe - she looked so radiant today too .. mom :X ..- like she was extra happy and it made me all warm and fuzzy - she is still a beauty at 73 ... We sat around at the wedding for a while catching up with relatives we havent seen in ages and talking about my cousins upcoming wedding - and my grandma ;)) .. mom said she is as cute as ever .. shes been asking for me so i think i will go up to see her sometime this week - i miss her - her softness her smile and of course my little brat of a niece who giggles when my grandma gets peoples names wrong - she (my niece) will be 3 this February and is way beyond her years - like the older generation would say (budak budak zaman sekarang meaning kids today ... )That is actually a common malay expression btw ..

Anyways ... the food was the usual briyani rice and because i am on a diet ( its tough when the food looked and smelled so good) but i fought it and helped myself to small portions of the rice and chicken and dessert too- yes i was being a good girl and of course i drank lots of water so i wont feel hungry later (this i learnt from 'C'). Water does help you loose weight heehee... & keep you filled up.

By the time we left it started to rain again which was nice - my uncle drove back slowly seeing how slippery the roads were .. We passed by East Coast Parkway thats where the beach is at and it looked so pretty inspite of the greyness and the rain - i love the rain and the sea - i have had just stood in the middle of the beach when it rained - it was an amazing feeling - nature and nature together - endless bliss...

Given a day like today with its intense rain - we believe that rain is 'rahmat' or mercy - a kind of blessing even when there is an occasion like a wedding where sunny weather is preferred. Rain - sometimes a blessing sometimes a curse especially for those who have suffered and lost their lives because of typhoons and floods and what nots. This is definitely raining season in Asia and today was one of the more strongest rainfall weve had in a while - i was thrilled especially when i was downstairs waiting for my ride - im sure the victims of typhoons dont share my sentiments and this is when i question why something so wonderful as rain can be a means of uplighting one and destroying another. A place where rain is much needed like Africa no rain falls yet a place where rain is not needed it falls and destroys. Seems like people have a love hate relationship with the rain. Me on the other hand i love rain i love water. I remembered when i was about 5 or 6 there was a flood at our old house and the water reached quiet high - instead of staying inside i went out into the rain and played in the floods - it was so exciting - i have vivid images of it as im typing this too .... I hope i will never have to experience the wrath that comes with rain which has been experienced by people in certain countries - i do hope too that maybe the rain will go to places that need it the most so that their crops may grow, they will have food and drinking water. Rain what would we do without you and what someone of us could be without you ... Insights anyone - i mean if anyones even reading this lol ...?

Well my mom didnt stay though she went home to grandmas with my uncle and auntie. Grandma btw lives across the causeway in Johore Malaysia which is on a good day a 45 - one hour car ride.. anyways ... since i will be visiting grandma i will be seeing her again too which is great - no complains there.

All in all i had a great day - the blessings of rain, a nice day at the wedding with family and so many special people to be thankful who in their own way be it big or small contributed to making this a wonderful wonderful Sunday ..

My saturday adventures on Sunday's news

I spent Saturday in town today and i had lots of fun and at the end of it i was drained mentally physically yet now at half past twelve in the morning on a Sunday morning i am facing my computer screen very alert - which is so typically me ..... (and now its 1024pm pm on a Sunday night lol cos i wrote half way then got tired..)

Anyways we caught a movie and had lunch at Thai Express and boy was our mouths burning after that. I was hoping for just a regular lunch but my aunt was in the mood for Thai food so we ended up going there seeing that it was on the way. We had like a special friend tofu with special sauce - the fried tofu was topped with tiny chillie flakes and ground peanuts. We also had rolled prawn fritters (its shrimp rolled in a thin flour pastry & deep fried) it was served with a Thai sweet spicy sauce ... .. We also had Pad Thai with sea food. This is basically vermicelli fried with scallions, onions,eggs, chillies (yes its a big thing in most Asian cuisines), with shrimp fish and chicken and on the side its the chillie flakes and ground peanuts . The way to eat it is to mix it all together - its was soooooooo goodddddddd but sooo spicy...

We did a whole lot of walking which was good so i could walk some of the food off - i made a deal to lose 30 pounds by my birthday in march so walking is a good start ;)) ... anyways we watched a movie today and seriously if there was movie that would make you laugh cry go awwww or get your hopes up in gear again this season id strongly recommended The Holiday starring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet - its a chick flick yeah but its a great movie. Good one to watch with girlfriends - its a feel good movie - gives you hope in love in life and at times in people. I could very well relate to so many parts of the movie & i am pretty sure anyone watching the movie would feel a connection to the characters potrayed. It was about being in love with someone who wasnt in love with you back (come on ladies how many of us have had this) well im pretty sure some guys have been in the situation too. She loved the guy so much that she was willing to do anything to make him happy even though he seem to be into other women , - the whole movie is about losing love finding love and all the little things that come with it. So again you girls should really go catch this movie.. Let me warn you it will make you shed a tear or two or three Lord knows i did heehee... Be prepared to get all warm and fuzzy and have your faith in love and hope renewed ........

The movie was emotionally draining for sure - maybe i was just at that phase or i was really taking it all in cos after the movie as much as a talker i was i didnt talk as much and all i wanted to do was go home lol then again i think the crowd was starting to flood into the shopping mall .. anyways ... we walked back to City Hall and i took some pictures which i posted as slides in an earlier entry .. I especially like the pink christmas tree adorned with Swarovski crystals. They were having a showcase of jewellery and accessories made with or encrusted with the crystals - talk about bling bling and that sure was it ...

It was a Saturday - its only natural that the place was going to be packed i mean where else can Singaporeans go other than shopping .. next week i think i am going to check out what all the hype is about at Vivo City ... till then that was my Saturday hope everyone else had a good one too ..

my saturday slide show ..

Pics of Suntec City Mall - where i spent much of my Saturday afternoon ... A movie lunch window shopping till my feet hurt ;)) ...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

So Alive

I guess my previous posts really speaks for me - i must have been really bored of the internet seeing i havent been very active ......... I think it was more a question of being out of it rather than boredom - hee hee. The blue bug paid a little visit and took my muse away - but im back thanks to the rain! .... along side my muse ...

Today i feel like i woke up from a deep dark sleep! i was spontaneous! i had fun ! If there was a day that rain was most welcomed today would be it :) .. i could have had the option of sitting in a cafe somewhere watching the rain come down and watching people scurrying here and there trying to find shelter 0r have them milling around until the rain stops - but instead my feet took me home - , rather the cab took me home .. the moment i alighted i put my groceries and bags on the side and jumped into the rain at the park ! i felt like a little kid - my spirit soaring ..... weeeeeeeeeee ... no one was around so that made it all the more fun - no one could grin and saythat girl is nuts Image I felt so aliveeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! I was drenched but who cares! Looking up to the sky as the rain falls like strings of spagetting - falling on your on your face - the winds was pretty strong .....its cold brrrrrrrrr but its exciting! if only rain was the drug of choice for some to get high - ... Image Because in that moment in time i was high on life .. What a feeling that was ........

And then after the rain comes the ............

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

bored with the internet

Bored of the internet...
comic source:-

Happy Mid week! Just wanted to share this with everyone - i can so relate to this lol .. Lord knows theres been a million times i tell myself this get an experience away from the computer and only to want to blog about it when i got home ......... Image Admit it! you're guilty of it too .. enjoy all! Image

Monday, December 04, 2006

Begin the task anew

Good morning! Monday morning in slightly raining Singapore and im a happy camper - i woke up at 530 this morning ... Image- looking forward to the thats for sure .. I hope itll be a great monday odds are it would since i am still on vacation .. And todays going to be a wet singapore monday yay!!! i love rainy days even though i dont have a single umbrella at home - heehee...

Moms still in bed and im here in front of the pc catching up on my blogging - wonders whats happening on the other side of the world - its too early to catch up on the news - good chance that there will be some not so good news somewhere so better to not get caught up on it for now. My moms going back to grandma's for a few days - i might joing her - well see.. Other than that its a no plans monday - ... well anyways, i wanted to share a motivational story which i think is appropriate to start the new week with ... a little something from the daily celebration .....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting "Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them--every day begin the task anew." ~ St. Francis de Sales

Good morning!

Here's wishing you a bright, positive day, a chance to start anew. Today is a good day to begin with a strong plan to be productive and positive... all day long!

"Everyday happiness," said entertainer George Burns, "means getting up in the morning, and you can't wait to finish your breakfast. You can't wait to do your exercises. You can't wait to put on your clothes."

How's your zest for living? Do you enthusiastically greet the sun? If not, why not?

Polio vaccine inventor Jonas Salk (1914-1995) once said, "It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up to me, like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner."

Look beyond any problems you might have and focus on the possibilities. Practice Positive Perspective. "A clear outlook relieves stress, improves the quality of time spent at home and
provides for a restful sleep and an early rise the next morning," advised businessman Frank Scherer.

Spring out of bed. Stretch. Open a window, let in the fresh air! Breathe. Smile and celebrate the colors of life! Let your passion be contagious!

"When you arise in the morning," said ancient philosopher- emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180), "think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."

~~Celebrate this wonderful morning! ~~

Sunday, December 03, 2006

shortie sunday ...

Sunday morning! Image

I slept in today - i think i am just drained mentally and physically. When i got home last night i just crashed - lights on, pc on ..... lol only thing i changed was clothes - and boy did i sleep - woke up at 314am for a tad and slept again - i think i slept good with dreams as usual of the days events and some other weird dreams which id rather not remember Image.. I got a back massage at my aunts yesterday - cos my shoulders were so tensed - i would think that hat relaxed me and got me all sleepy - who doesnt fall asleep after a good massage right? heehee.. i think the trip to the other side of the island was worth it - i live in the east where else my aunt lives onthe north of the island - train ride about an hour - but my mom and i took a cab instead and we had a talkative cab driver so the trip wasnt boring lol .. I love it when cab drivers talk life talk politics - they have so many interesting stories and experiences to share - and i love their take on the Singapore's government governing styles and policies - .. I think that driving a taxi would be an interesting job - because they seem to have so much knowledge and information not known to us - they usually get this from other cab drivers and the best part of the job is that there are all sorts of people coming in and out of their taxies - some talking more than others - i think if cab drivers wrote books - it would be bestsellers seeing the experiences that they gathered ...

Anyways i think i ate a little too much*( as expected) - and while i have been trying to fight having carbonated drinks - my aunt served us that Image.. I think i look like a puffer fish now - and to think i was suppose to start on a get healthy plan starting december 1st - hah so much for that ..but its never too late to start another day right? right? right?

Well anyways , im going out again today with mom my aunt and cousin - shopping!!! woo hoo!! My moms been dying to go to IKEA at Tampines (which just opened on 30th november)so we are joining the rest of the world in converging there - its still in the pre opening state so i think goodie bags and bargains are still up for grabs - well i hope everyone else is having a great weekend! smilessssss..

Saturday, December 02, 2006

saturday smiles and then some ...

Hope that everyone had a great week and the weekend would be just as great! I have face mask on my face .... so while waiting for it to dry i thought id blog a little -.. its a nice sunny Saturday here - 320pm .. It rained a little this morning - sorta breezy now its all over sunshine - great day for a tan - like i need to be further tanned tee hee & of its windy too out - so yeah the perfect weather day .......

Anyways its a quiet Saturday - didnt do much - except watched The Simpsons this morning, ran some errands- marketing and what not, had breakfast with mom - she was craving for 'nasi jenganan' - its a local favorite - its actually white rice with peanut sauce served with steamed 'kangkung, bean sprouts and eaten with potato cakes, tempe and chiilie - it was goooodddd and it filled us up till now im still ... Me and mom had our usual morning talk - which is nice - she was telling me about a guy who was keen on her .... ;)) ... but she wasnt interested lol .. She always says she will never find another man like my dad - and she is sure he is waiting for her in heaven..Image true love .. i envy her .. ;)) ..

I sneaked in a little nap because my back is killing me -though my initial plan was to just lay down for a bit - then it was laundry laundry more laundry - cleaning - geeszzzzzzz ....Image and now here i am waiting for my mask to dry and then get ready for a visit to my aunts place with mom on the other side of the island after which i am planning on coaxing her into going to Orchard Road with me to see the Christmas Light up ..

Yesterday i was at war with yahoo and internet viruses - there is this worm called 'brontok' that infected my pc and i was pissed - i wondered why my puter was so slow and now i know .. damn worm - i spent the whole day yesterday cleaning out my computer and now its virus freee - thank God! Yahoo made peace with me after all that excitement though - my email came through just fine - prior to that it was just acting up sigh .. technology - they give you the good the bad and the ugly .. but we wouldnt be so connected if it wasnt because of it either .. so there ...Image

But that all got better when i received an email later that evening that REALLY made me smile - i think i was dancing on air - a little gesture like that can really brigthen ones day even more :) I guess it could also be because its from someone who means the world to me - so yeah i was smiling and smiling - like a jackass like a little school girl whatever its to be called for sure it made my day! thank you thank you thank you ...

This morning too i woke to devastating news that came out of the Phillipines - typhoon durian that killed hundreds of filipinos - ..Its sad that natural disasters like this hit the worst off areas and people who struggle from day to day - seeing the pictures in the morning paper is heart wrenching - one minute you have a home a family the next thing you know due to mother nature's wrath its all gone - i hope the people in the Phillipines recover from this natural disaster as they did from the previous natural disasters that have hit their country. I pray that God give them strength and courage as they face the challenges in ahead in dealing with the ordeal and their loss .....

It seems like the end of the year is a time of joyful tidings as well as natural disasters - an earthquake measuring 6.1 hit sumatra yesterday yet again - that region has been hit by dozens of earthquake this year - though no tsunami warning was issued nor was there lost of lives or property - i am pretty sure it makes their people live in fear of the what ifs ... Since the tsunami hit in 2004 it seems that the sumatra, the andaman islands and Nias have since seen lots of earthquakes - some which have killed while others destroyed homes and what nots and to think they hit the more poverty ridden areas - it makes you wonder .. why ? ....

while the world ponders - im off .. blog ya laters ..

Friday, December 01, 2006

World Aids Day 2006

Today is World Aids Day - are you wearing a red ribbon? I have included some information about World Aids Day and the reason behind the red ribbon campaign & what we can do to help.. Aids can be prevented with education and support from the masses so today and every other day lets do our part in eradicating AIDS and giving support to those who has contracted HIV in being more understanding and tolerant ,,,,

Did you know that ...

39.5 million people living with HIV, including 2.3 million children,

During 2006 some 4.3 million people became newly infected with the virus

Around half of all people who become infected with HIV do so before they are 25 and are killed by AIDS before they are 35.

The theme for World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day was originally organised by UNAIDS, who chose the theme after consultation with other organisations. However, in 2005 UNAIDS handed over responsibility for World AIDS Day to an independent organisation known as The World AIDS Campaign (WAC).

The WAC’s slogan for their work is "Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise", which is an appeal to governments, policy makers and regional health authorities to ensure that they meet the many targets that have been set in the fight against HIV and AIDS. This campaign will run until 2010, with a related theme chosen for World AIDS Day each year.

This year's theme, "accountability", is designed to inspire citizens across the globe to hold their political leaders accountable for the promises they have made on AIDS. Targets such as the All by 2010 pledge made by world leaders last year, and the Millennium Development Goal to halt and reverse the spread of AIDS by 2015, are in serious danger of being sidelined or ignored, and much more needs to be done to ensure that these critical promises are kept. By supporting a broad movement of civil society organisations in their campaigning around this theme, the World AIDS Campaign hope to develop a sense of joint identity and common purpose and ensure that more people are made aware of the AIDS epidemic this year than ever before.

AVERT is raising awareness of this year's "accountability" theme by turning the borders and menus on our site black. To find out more about this campaign, please visit our Why Black? page or read our World AIDS Day press release.

World AIDS Day themes over the years have included:

  • 2006 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise - Accountability
  • 2005 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise
  • 2004 - Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS
  • 2003 - Stigma & Discrimination
  • 2002 - Stigma & Discrimination
  • 2001 - I care. Do you?
  • 2000 - AIDS : Men make a difference
  • 1999 - Listen, Learn, Live: World AIDS Campaign with Children & Young People
  • 1998 - Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign With Young People
  • 1997 - Children Living in a World with AIDS
  • 1996 - One World, One Hope
  • 1995 - Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities
  • 1994 - AIDS & the Family
  • 1993 - Act
  • 1992 - Community Commitment
  • 1991 - Sharing the Challenge
  • 1990 - Women & AIDS
  • 1989 - Youth
  • 1988 - Communication
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Red Ribbon

The red ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by people all year round and particularly around World AIDS Day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and commitment.

The red ribbon started as a "grass roots" effort, and as a result there is no one official red ribbon manufacturer, and many people make their own. It's easily done - just use some ordinary red ribbon and a safety pin!

What can I do to support World AIDS Day?

There are many ways in which you can support World AIDS Day. For example:

  • Raise awareness of HIV and AIDS in your area
  • Wear a red ribbon and ask others to do the same
  • Protect yourself and your partners - this is the first and best way to stop the spread of HIV
  • If you are worried - get tested.

At school or work, you can support World AIDS Day by:

  • Having a dressing up, down or fancy dress day
  • Putting up some posters - get people talking
  • Making and selling red ribbons
  • Organising a creative writing/poster campaign
  • Setting up a debate or a quiz - there're lots of ideas for topics on our site
  • Cooking an international meal or having a cake sale
  • Arranging a sponsored three-legged race or balloon release
  • Getting your friends, family, colleagues or pupils to express their feelings and expand their knowledge about AIDS
  • Using your imagination!

World AIDS Day on the web

The internet is a great way to reach people all around the world - other people in many countries are reading this page right now. People now spend more of their daily lives online - at work, at school, at home. People shop, chat, make new friends, study and work online. If you want to get a message to as many people as possible, this could be the way to do it.

Think about:

  • Providing information on your website about World AIDS Day, and about any local events taking place in your community.
  • Asking your school, college or employer to provide information on their website.
  • Listing your event on the World AIDS Campaign and/or National AIDS Trust website.
  • Learning more about HIV and AIDS: has a great deal of information about the global epidemic, HIV and AIDS statistics and education. Other sites specifically related to the "Keep the Promise" theme can be found in our links page.

Information on this site is from worldaid . If anyone would like to read about children and aids you can go here here . Read about Zanana who is HIV positive and has given hope to others.

These personal stories of people who are helping to spread a message of hope and creating awareness about HIV and AIDS is worth the read - serves as a platform for those of us who would to try and make a diffrence.

Support the cause! Wear a red ribbon or host one on your site! Together we can fight this AIDS!