....it comes in three's

........Good or bad things come in a string of threes - i dont want to believe it happens with the bad i mean lets face it who wants bad things three times in a row (knock on wood).. anyways its raining now, very nice cooling night .. i may go to bed early today seeing that i have to be in school early instead of the usual 10am on Thursday - we are having a party in school yay!!! now i feel more like the kid then the teachers heehee.. anyways.. its been a relatively good day - i was a little on edge but i got over it - i usually do .. free spirits get over things .. and i think that picture i found made me happy too .. little daisies - i can just picture being in a field of just those little things rolling around just feeling free and can see that little leave thats shaped like a butterfly - isnt it pretty ........ :) .. i had a late night last night i think i finally asleep at 4am ... sometimes it feels like i can handle it and sometimes it feels like i cant .. then again nothing vitamin b cant cure or better yet a big cup of coffee .. well my late night last night was well worth it - cos i got to talk to 'c' again because good things do happen in threes and i spoke to him 3 days in a row time zones and all ... it seems like my night went into another day and another and another which i think is pretty cool .. for example i talked to him late monday night which went into tuesday and tuesday night and early wednesday night- probably silly to notice something like that but serioulsy no harm in being silly :) in the words of ralph waldo emerson Be Silly. Be honest. Be kind. so if dont see him in the next few days id understand but then again i am still hoping for & looking forward to that blue moon... :)
....i have had laughed alot in the past few days and like any conversations there are the serious moments and just normal moments - was it like a roller coaster ride? Sure but i love roller coasters - havent been on one in a longtime .. ...anyways .. we talked about embracing change in this case me moving on forgetting about him - i wish it was easier said than done - when youve met and experienced time with someone like 'c' it is always not easy to move on - i am thankful that we have crossed paths and even more grateful that we still talk ... but i guess for one of us things are a tad deeper and moving on to another would probably take more time - who knows... so embracing is kind of tough right now - even though it is probably the right thing to do ... maybe it will go away by itself maybe it will not who knows .. till then i know how i feel and thats what i am embracing .... *sorry* ..........
September is birthday month and it 'c's birthday too - well i asked about birthday presents and what would he consider a nice birthday present so i noted him down when he said .....and i quote ' the whole thing is not what i wont...its what u would want me to have..something that i wouldnt forget abt before next year something that would make me look forward to getting a year older...i am a gift giving guernaunt' end of quote ..... and yes there is so much truth in that :) so maybe .........
I blog some thoughts here some i keep within my paper journals - i think there is just so much you can share with the world but then again i think im like an open book when it comes to some areas of my life besides who knows the person they are reading about.. *wink* .. i hope i havent upset anyone with my thoughts opinions vents and whatever else that goes down here .. that was never my intention and still isnt - this is a personal outlet to say things maybe i am not able to say 'face to face' ......
In a nutshell the past three days have been really nice .... i couldnt have asked for a better week that i have had. 'c' and his adventures - i love hearing about them - something i have always enjoyed even when he was in iraq tho his adventures are of a diffrent nature - i still enjoy them and there will be a time when there would be other things - maybe i cant handle them now who knows i might later maybe .. :) whatever it is doesnt mean it handnt cross my mind but there is not much you can do with a situation where you have no control over ...
before i go around in circles i think im ready to sleep if i can. no 'c' tonight but hope he had a fun time wherever he is ... nites nites world ..... blog ya later ........