Groovy Island Girl interesting finds.good & bad times.friends.people.what matters.what doesnt.what nots - in this journey of life of an island girl in an island state.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Long but uneventful ....

Can you believe its already the end of the month - wow ... And im officially on vacation for a second time Image .. meetings, cleaning up and preps are discussed and done with yay!!! Aside from a few issues school is over - i stayed in late to complete at least half of the decorations for the classrooms - so when we go back a week before school starts i have much else to do - good huh . So during the holidays its basically lesson planning and surfing the web to make kindergarten more enjoyable ... and since its the final year for my kindergarten 2 - i am hoping to make it extra memorable for them - i wish i could say the same for mine :P i had a pre school teacher from hell - i shall never forget her name nor her face :P she slapped my arm cos i played with paint Image.. I was six years old duh! anyways, she is probably old and grey now i hope no one hits her grandkids in kindergarten - cos trust me its something they wont forget .. but anyways ....

IKEA opened its second store here in Singapore today - you know that furnishing n accessories store from Sweden. I love the little things that they have for the kitchen, living room like the candles, candle holders, cook ware, glasses and the list goes on - they have things that are quiet unique like a napkin holder which is set like a plate with a metal ball attached to its base to hold it down .. I love looking at their showcases - always gets me dreaming - if that was my room, if that was my kitchen if that was my living room ...hee hee

I watched the Amazing Race Asia - this leg of the race took them to Sydney Australia . Lets see they had a choice of going atop the Harbour Bridge or peel 14 kilos of cooked shrimp .. They did a whole lot of walking - i never realized how beautiful Sydney was until now - i think i just saw it as Sydney . but today i saw the park and the ocean and what now - it was really beautiful - would be nice to visit and take in the scenery .. The road block (which can only be completed by one member of the team) was a scary one. They had to swim in an aquarium at Oceanworld which was filled with sharks and other dangerous sea creatures and they had to find their next clue which was hidden there.... nerve wrecking im sure .. At this leg of the race no one was eliminated - though one of my favorite team was due to be eliminated if it wasnt for the non elimination round .. PHEW!!!!!!!!! He panicked under water i think - because of the goggles and breathing gear and due to that they gave up and was given a four penalty.. I am glad they are still in the race ... The couple team from Malaysia came in first this time and the Singapore team came in second place - yay!! go girls!! I had my amazing race fix and im happy ...

Other than that the day was relatively un eventful - though the weather threw a little tantrum - it was windy intially then it started to rain for a really short time and the Mr Sun made his presence felt for sure .. I just hope that it rains tonight .....praying- cool nights .. snuggle in bed .. the mind travels to far away places to far away people ... Trying to send signals letting them know we miss them ...hee hee

Nite nite world ....Image

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Monkey Bread Adventures

What kept me going all day with meetings and cleaning up at school was the fact that i was going home and make Monkey Bread .. I have had it at Starbucks but never made it myself so this is a first attempt - and the queen cake maker who is of course my mom said it was good - i trust her judgement - she truly enjoyed it or just trying to be nice hahahaha anyways . Ti asked me what monkey bread bread was - to me its picking bread lol .. well to answer her and get a better understanding of what it is i Googled monkey bread and this is what it came up with -

Monkey Bread - The fruit of the baobab tree is called monkey bread. The fruit is eaten as is or to make a drink, it's flesh is dried and ground into flour, and the leaves dried and crushed for flavoring. Even the pulp of the tree is sometimes eaten.

Monkey bread is also a sweet yeast bread made by taking small balls of dough, usually dipped in melted butter, and overlapping several of them in a pan (usually a tube or round pan). After the dough is allowed to rise, the balls of dough cling together to form a solid loaf, which after baking, are easily pulled apart. Frequently, raisins, nuts, sugar and cinnamon are added.'

Some recipes gives the explanation for monkey bread as little cinnamon buns stuck together but i still like the baobab tree version - more exotic .. Anyways, below are the pictures of my version of the monkey bread and a recipe ...

Its worth trying cos its yummy - its best eaten hot and you can always microwave it when it turns cold .. I had fun doing it tired as i was - i just love the smell of cinnamon - i added a little more cinnamon and used brown sugar to make the dough and i halved the receipe seeing that the actualy recipe makes about 20 servings. And i added walnuts to mine omitting the glazing.. I just wanted a simple monkey recipe so improvised it as much as i could .. Most of the recipes online called for ready made bread dough since it was short notice for me i made mine from scratch with a recipe i have in file. So here ya go happy trying the Monkey bread - lets monkey around .. ;)) ...

Monkey Bread Recipe - (20 servings)


BREAD - 1 cup raisins - 1/2 cup orange juice - 4 1/2 cup flour - 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
1 pkg. (1/4 oz) Rapid Rise Yeast - 2 Tsp ground cinnamon - 1 Tsp salt - 1 1/3 cup milk - 3/4 cup butter - 1 egg

GLAZE - 2/3 cup confectioners' sugar - 1 Tbs butter - melted - 1 Tbs light corn syrup - 1/2 tsp grated orange zest - 1-2 Tbs milk


For bread :

1. In a micorwave safe bowl combine raisins and juice. Microwave on high in 20 seconds intervals until warm.

2. In a large bowl combine 4 cups flour,1/2 cup sugar, yeast,cinnamon and salt.

3. Heat milk and 1/4 cup butter until very warm (125 degress fahrenheit)

4. Stir milk mixture and egg into flour mixture until dough forms.

5. Drain raisins. Stir raisins into dough and follow the following steps ...

For glaze:-

1. Combine sugar, butter, corn syrup and zest. Stio in enough to make smooth pourable glaze.

2. Invert bread unto serving plate so sugary top is up. using fork, drizzle glaze over bread.

3.Alternatively you can drizzle your monkey bread with canned vanilla frosting

Happy Trying & Happy Eating!

meetings n midweek argh!

Its mid week again - and its school week for me . im sitting at my desk waiting for the meeting to start figured id surf around a tad - i drank a large cup of coffee today this morning so i wont fall asleep during the meeting - i am not too fond of meetings - then again who is ... anyways ..Its been a quiet week and i like it that way - no drama to say the least. And its been raining non stop the last two days too which was so welcomed.

Last night i dreamt i was in the Amazing Race hahahah... lol my subconcious it amazes me sometimes - and what was weird about it was that we were in futuristic Singapore - which was pretty cool. And then it rained too - sometimes i wonder what my dreams are telling me or nothing at all ... The only diffrence in this race instead of the usual 2 running the race we had like a team of 7 people lol ..Sometimes i feel like my dream was a cross over between watching documentaries on soldiers on their missions in iraq, survivor and the amazing race all rolled into one ...

Btw i caught up on The Amazing Race Asia and another Phillipines team which comprised of model and actress , Aubrey & Jaq got eliminated . I think what put everyone back in this episode was having to dig a pit of a sand for a small surf board - under the hot scorching sun and doing it alone while their partner cheered them on - most of the teams gave up and was given a four hour penalty. The Singapore team, Melody & Sharon, when on till the end until they found the tiny surf board - they were actually the last team to leave the beach but came 3rd because of the 4 hour penalty of the other teams who didnt manage to finish their task! So ... YAY ...Sharon can really dig heehee....This leg of the race took the contestants to Bali, Indonesia. Bali is truly an amazing island ...

Admists the hurdles and tension among team mates it seems like they are having a great time. Everyone loves a challenge and its challenging for sure - and taxing emotionall and physically .... You need a whole of stamina, mental alertness and patience.. im not sure i could do it - but it would be fun to be in a race like that - but wait i was in the amazing race just last night -if it was only in my dreams ......... daydreaming - New! ..

I was going through recipes last night and found a recipe for Monkey Bread - now im craving for it. They used to sell them at Starbucks for SGD$2.00 and it was served in a cupcake mould - but it was soooo goood.. I think thats what i am going to make today - monkey bread when i get home - wish me luck! Monkey bread is picking bread - one that brings the family together i would think - and best eaten when its hot. The family can sit around and pick at the pieces of bread .. yummm yumm yummm ... monkey bread .. Imagewant some ?

Thats it for now .... time to get ready for me meetting ya laters!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tea Party on Sunday ....

Ahh yess a tea party - pretty dresses, the best fine boned china - delicious tea and scrumptous cakes - a bunch of ladies sitting around looking their best and talk and giggle and laugh - perfect setting if only my mind lol ... My tea party with my friends involved kids running around , a breast feeding mum and a husband in the other room watching sports on tv and of course tea and scrumptous cakes and cookies which covers up for the rest of the disractions One things for sure they should have kept their kids at home or send them out with their husbands ... lol i know its not nice but they are mommies and they do need alone time too ..

Anyways it was a nice afternoon - just catching up on each others lives - the men we've love dand lost and craving for ....Imagedaydreaming - New!... Talking about work kids usual stuff and of course enjoying the delicious cakes and pastries - my friend ordered some of the cakes and pastries from a place called Royal Cakes and trust me it was heavenly - my favorite was the dark chocolate truffle and her home made cupcakes - dont you just love cupcakes especially the ones with frostings yumm yumm yumm .. I think what makes tea parties really fun and meaningful are just not the food - but most importantly is the company and its a great way to unwind thats for sure ... We were planning on having another tea party but this time at the Botanical gardens surrounded by plants and trees - it would actually be a nice setting for a romantic picnic - sitting down on the ground looking into each others eyes ,holding hands .. ..enjoy the food, maybe reading a little poetry and then just lay next to each other and looking at the clouds....daydreaming - New!.. anyways back to reality .. Back to the tea party so yes we are planning one - a change of setting ,out in the open instead of at home - well cant wait for that and hopefully the rain ruin that one ... Tea parties like these reminded of my own childhood - the tea set that i had as a child and when i used to have little tea parties with the neighbours childhood - ahh those were the days .. When our lives was much less complicated but anyways when we grow up everything gets real even the tea sets ...hee hee anyways ..

The girls are either married single or divorced and some of them have children and they are so adorable. When i see them with children makes me wish i had my own - my maternal side just calls out to me - i love kids and thats the main reason why i chose teaching pre schoolers as a profession . One of the girls have a one year baby girl and she is the roundest little thing chubby with big eyes. Have you guys noticed how cute baby's hands and feet are? And how soft they are .... I think having children just fills a void in a womans life - sometimes i think that that is our destiny to nurture and to care ... maybe someday ill have my own kids praying- my own - ones that i dont have to return to parents at the end of the day .. heeheee...

I havent gotten any news from 'C' since we had our brief chat on Tuesday .. In all honesty feels kinda empty. Like always i have no idea where he is but last week was the Thanksgiving holidays so i am assuming he spent it with his family or he is on vacation somewhere - always have to think the best. Thoughts of him seem to get more intense everyday - its one of those feelings that he is around like i mentioned in one of my blogs he is my face - im fine with that ... Right i just miss him .... longtime ...

That was my Sunday - quiet to say the least. But quiet is good sometimes a change from the usual routine of hectic - well anyways i hope every on my side of the time zone had a great Sunday and those in the other time zones are enjoying their Sunday...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

will the bloodshed ever end?

"Worst suicide attack in Iraq since the invasion - 202 dead" -

' Four Mosques torched'

14 people were killed in his mosque during Friday prayers

These are stats coming out of Iraq as of yesterday. Friday which is a sacred day to Muslims has been tarnised by acts of aggression by its own followers and im appauled. It amuses me how they say they did in the name of Islam and its Jihad and yet they destroy the very essence of Islam - respect for the mosque respect for human lives respect for Friday prayers. Talk about contradictions - you have them walking all over Iraq itself & much of the Muslim world it seems. They say they are followers of Islam and its teachings yet they go about doing the exact opposite . I sit here and vent and wonder if there is anything else i could say that i havent already. Its sheer frustration on my part seeing stupidity at work - call it a harsh statement but its a reality.

I dont think i could ever fathom their cause - they are figthing each other - brother fighting brother yet they are all under the umbreall of Islam. When an outsider does something distasteful to Islam they rally together to condemn it yet at the same time they kill each other - doesnt make sense to me ... Then again so many things dont either.

"Revenge-seeking Shiite militiamen seized six Sunnis as they left Friday prayers, drenched them with kerosene and burned them alive, and Iraqi soldiers did nothing to stop the attack, police and witnesses said."

Thats barbarism in the modern age for you - what drives such savage behaviour? Killing your own human kind in such a way - and can you even trust the authorities to try and stop such acts..Questions that i dont care for answers though it does make me wonder ...

I sat watching the news having seen images to further emphasize to these words - and it wasnt a pretty sight .. If anything its sickening and heartbreaking - will people in that country ever experience peace? You see numbers coming out of there - these people seem to be only a statictic - when in actual fact they are HUMAN BEINGS like you and me - trying to live their lives in a situation it seems the masses have no control over. What they see everyday is bloodshed and more bloodshed. I am sure there is a name to them a life a family - yet what we see them on the news as are 'number of iraqi's who have died' ....

What really is intolerable about the whole situation in Iraq is that these insurrgence goes on a non discrimate killing spree - those who work in the radio and television stations, comedians, educators - are all targets of these savages. What kind of an education do Iraqi children get when their whole lives all they have ever seen is violence.

I think the whole world would agree that what they are doing is base on ideals of sheer ignorance. You make a statement by killing - it seems to them the more they kill the more of a message they are sending out - if anything all its doing is having the whole comdemn their actions even more and create a more negative outcome towards their so called noble cause.

There was news of a 57 year old grandmother who blew herself up in Palestine injuring only three Israeli soldiers - she died for what she believed in - the occupation of her land . She belives that she would die a matyr. Her death was celebrated on the streets of Palestinine. I have aunts who are her age and they are houswifes happy grandmothers who enjoy time with their kids - its hard for me to understand someone at her age to do something like that. Maybe she has seen so much violence in her life and hence that drove her to do what she did - but it still doesnt make it the right thing to do ...

From my personal point of view any acts of aggression that impacts innocent lives is just down right wrong. The concept of jihad they are practicing is very unfamiliar to me. Jihad is a personal battle to do good for yourself in strengethening your faith in Islam and getting closer to God as well as daily struggles to make yourself a better Muslim and i do believe this does not involving killing others especially people of your own faith even thought they are of a diffrent sect. I dont believe that Islam preaches negativity - what it does preach is peace and tolerance.

I am writing from my perspective - no one should agree. If anyone disagress or would like to comment feel free - it would be interesting to see what everyones take on the situation in Iraq is - the ones thats not politically driven.

If anyone feels like commenting by all means... :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

my feet took me ...

My feet took me out of the house but mother nature obviously had a diffrent agenda - cos by the time i left it stopped raining. I would think that it rained for about 45mins or so - grrrrrr.. i was hoping it would rain more like it usually does this time of year but i guess mr sunshine wanted to make an appearance and so he did ... So my plans of rain watching was dried away .. but i wont complain though cos it wasnt as hot as i expected it to be - it usually gets really hot and humid after such short rainfall so i am thankful for that.....

Has anyone ever noticed how unpredictable the weather is and how fickle its been. Cant seem to decide to give us rain or shine - hmmmm kinda like like people dont you think - they are unpredictable in their words and actions and cant make their minds up half the time - just an observations anyways back to my feet adventures ...

My feet took to the airport today - lol .. i like going to the airport and watch the airplanes take off and land .. There is a train that goes directly to the Changi International Airport ... So to the airport i did go - i walked around and people watched and then gave myself a treat at Swensens - i had a Coit Tower and then i ordered some fries too they were sooo yummyyy - i forgot all about having dinner .... I really didnt do much either - i read and then blogged on my phone seeing it would be hard to journal on my train so i was busy typing away on my mobile heh heh - oblivious to the world around me .. but i did see something that got me all warm and fuzzy - and made me smile too .. There was this elderyly tourist lady and her son and grandkids borded the train - i like elderyly people by the way they are so cute ..It was rather cold on the train and you know what the son did - he drapped a shawl around herImage.. he did it with so much love and affection it just touches you - i dont see things like that not as much as id too tho - and he kept it there .. it was just so sweet - .. i just went awwww ... Just when you think your day was normal you see little things that makes it extra special and you know whats the best part - it took a total stranger to make it all the more special - isnt that nice? :)

That was my day - exciting huh ... Want to hear a story about a 100 words?

100 words - i havent done that in ages. 100 words is actually a writing site where what you do is basically write 100 words everyday - no more no less and you have to it everyday. You cant write ahead . The whole idea is to write 100 words everday - practice practice practice. I have been doing it for the past few months but have been neglecting it in the past two - so i had no entries for October and November - i could always try and catch up for this month - but it would defeat the purpose i think .. anwyays anyone enjoys writing would enjoy this - this is not a blog however you can write about just anything as long as its within the 100word limit. If anyones keen the link is .. Happy 100 wording ;)) ...

End of story ... :)

By the way the pic of the avatar is me - Silly Jedi I - trying to the rid the world of evil and darkness ... :P im loopey - i better stop before i get anymore sillier - blog ya later ....

Thank God Its The Holidays (TGITH)

Its no Thank God Its Friday for me :P instead its Thank God Its The Holidays (TGITH) heh heh .Everyday is a holiday until next week when i go in for 3 days for meetings and what nots bleah ..anyways ......

Its half past two in the afternoon- i spoke to my 2 and half year old niece a while ago - she was telling me about her experience at the doctors lol . She had a check up this morning - and Lord knows what she was saying - but i do believe she mentioned a stetescope, and that she went to the doctors with her mom and dad and then she started singing - and all she kept saying was ati fah ati fah lol thats what she calls me .. and of course there the usual do you have any chocolate at your house ati fah? .. Gee now i know what im good for lol .. anyways ...

My uncle and aunt took my 12 year old cousin to Kuala Lumpur for a heart check up - he had surgery about a month ago and he needed to go back to the heart institute to make sure everything is fine . - keeping my fingers crossed and him in prayers that everything is alright ...

i dont feel well but i do believe i am well enough to go out - the plan this morning was to wait for mom to come over and then i was headed for the beach - well neither materialized... Mom decided to come over tomorrow and the rain decided to come and ruin my beach plans - so now i am left with two options actually three stay home, go to the Singapore Expo where there are having a L'Oreal & Maybelline sale with my cousins, go to town - just walk around and then have coffe read journal and watch the world go by - hmmmmmmm .. what to do ? .. The weather is great to stay at home and get lazy or to sit out with the rest of the world and there is a good chance of getting wet - its dark out and a major rainstorm is brewing - can hear the thunder as im typing this - would be nice to watch the rain fall - sip a nice cup of coffee and endulge in a piece of cake and people watch and wonder how their lives are - i have been told i way curious and think too much - id like to think of that as positive traits ;))..I am also tempted to go to Borders - odds are i will buy more books so im staying away until i finish the books i bought. And as for the L'Oreal sale i am not really in the mood to shop .... hmmmmmmm - what to do ...

This is what i have decided to do - just go out of the house - no plans no specific destination - see where my feet takes me - its worked in the past hope it works today! :)

Blog ya later ..

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the USA & Canada though in Canada its celebrated on a diffrent day. I think Thanksgiving in itself is a time to be thankful for the blessings , a time to be with family & friends ... Kinda like most holidays where the emphasis is on family bonds, friendships, being thankful for all the things that we have been blessed with .. Though its something we should be doing everyday we sometimes forget too .. A holiday is a time of deep reflections and thats when we truly remember .. Remember to be thankful and appreciate the ones we love especially - family, friends, significant other ... .. Remember to be thankful everyday for all the good things we have been blessed with - Make it a point to say thank you to your special someone for all he or she does. It means a lot! And all around us there is so much to be thankful for too - the sound of peace, peacefullness around, all the things we take for ever too often take for granted - the air we breathe, our health - look around there is still so much .....

Happy Thanksgiving to all - may it be a day of peace & endless blessings

To those on the front line may God keep you safe, blessings showered upon you, love faith patience and hope for family & friends back home as they celebrate this day with thoughts and reminders of you in mind ..

And in the wise words of Erma Bombeck ...................

What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving? hee hee

Happy Thanksgiving

All Events Are Blessings

Happy Thursday! Admist a very slow computer - i think its due to having way too many programs on it ....... grrrrrrrr i sit and write this entry. Its 2110pm and The Amazing Race Asia is on - but im skipping it now and will just catch the repeat later tonight seeing i can sleep as late as i want & wake up anytime i want- some of us are on vacation .... Image though i have been waking up early every morning Image.. when your body clock is used to the early hours it refuses to change oh well ... Was a rather quiet day - didnt do much - did some cleaning - keepinga way the cakes and cookies seeing that the eid celebrations are officially over , watched a bit of afternoon tv- continued reading my book to get feedt on food for the soul - i made spicy chicken though with stir fried vegetablesImage - to feed my stomach ...hee hee im so stuffed now ...

I have a little write up that i received in my inbox and would like to share - i think it goes well with the holidays in the Western Hemisphere.. its about blessings & gratitude. Time to think . Enjoy everyone ..

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from." ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Begin today by saying "thank you." There is so much to be grateful for. Each new day is 24 new hours to live... and celebrate life.

"Man absolutely cannot live by himself," explained philosopher Erich Fromm.

Be grateful for everything and everyone. To look at life with gratitude is to clearly see opportunities. Even at those times of the greatest challenges, with gratitude, any difficulty can be transformed into a blessing, into a meaningful lesson of growth. Failures are merely stepping stones to success. Pain moves the heart to coping, to healing and the discovery of greater compassion for others.

"Gratitude," said jazz musician Lionel Hampton, "is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind."

Celebrate your blessings today: All that you have... All that is RIGHT in your life. Make it a routine to write your celebrations down daily in a journal and share your gratitude with others.

Gratitude brings peace and hope. Gratitude is contagious.

~~Thank You.
from Daily Celebrations ...

Remaining Open to LoVe

We often lose hope and give up on love especially when its unrequited or when we have been in a relationship where the whole idea of what love is tarnised at least by the person who has had a bad experience with it. And because of the hurt , we close ourselves to love, to ever loving again or in letting anyone love us .. That fear of being betrayed is forever nagging at us. This story hits home ever too often .. I just wanted to share it with hope that it gives someone else hope and faith in love again and for the lonely hearts to always remain open to the possibilities ..

Remaining Open To Love.....

There are times when we long to be able to help someone whom we love very much, but we can do nothing. circumstances will not allow us to approach them, or the person is closed off to any gesture of solidarity and support.

There all we are left with is love. At such times, when we can do nothing else, we can still love - without expecting any reward or change of gratitute.

If we do this, the energy of love will begin to transform then universe about us. Wherever this energy appears, it will always achieve its ends. 'Time does not transform man. Will-power does not transform man. Love tranforms', says Henry Drummond.

I read in the newspaper about a little girl in Brasilia who was brutally beaten by her parents. As a result, she lost all physical movement, as well as the ability to speak.

Once admitted to hospital, she was cared for by a nurse who said to her every day: 'I Love you.' Although the doctors assured her that the child could not hear her and that all her efforts were in vain, the nurse continued to say: 'Dont forget, I love you.'

Three weeks later, the child recovered the power of movement. Four weeks later, she could again talk and smile. The nurse never gave any interviews, and the newspaper did not publish her name, but let me set this down here, so that we never forget: love cures.

Love transforms and love cures; but, sometimes, love builds deadly traps and can end up destroying a person who had resolved to give him or herself completely. What is this complex feeling which, deep down, is the only reason we continue to live, struggle and improve?

It would be irresponsible for me to attempt to define it, because I, along with every other human being,can only feel it. Thousands of books have been written on the subject,plays have been put on, films produced,poems composed, sculptures carved out of wood or marble;and yet all any artist can convey is the idea of a feeling,not the feeling itself.

But i have learned that this feeling is present in small things, and manifests itself in the most insignificant of our actions. It is necessary,therefore, to keep love always in mind,regardless of whether or not we take action.

Picking up the phone and saying the affectionate words we have been postponing.Opening the door to someone who needs our help.Accepting a job. Leaving a job. Taking a decision that we are putting off for later. Asking forgives for a mistake we made and which keeps niggling at us. Demanding a right that is ours. Opening an account at the local florist's which is far more important than the jewellers. Putting music on really loud when the person you love is far away,and turning the volume down when he or she is near. Knowing when to say 'yes' and 'no', becase love works with all our energies. Discovering a sport that can played by two. Not following any recipe, not even those contained in this paragraph,because love requires creativity.

And when none of this is possible, when all that remains is loneliness,then remember this story that a reader once sent to me.

A rose dreamed day and night about bees, but no bee ever landed on her petals.

The flower,however, continued to dream. During the long nighs, she imagined a heaven full of bees,which flew down to bestow fond kisses on her. By doing this,she was able to last until the next day,when she opened again to the light of the sun.

One night, the moon, who knew of the rose's loneliness, asked: 'Arent ou tired of waiting?'

"Possibly,but i have to keep trying.'


'Because if i dont remain open, i will simply fade away'

At times,when loneliness seems to crush all beauty,the only way to resist is to remain open.

Story taken from, Like a Flowing River by Paulo Coehlo...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mid week miracles

Today was one of those blah bleah blah days - dead quiet all around my little space where I could almost hear a pin drop kinda day - i think i was just out of it , tired, drained & what not. To add to that there were thunderstorms - dont get me wrong - i love thunderstorns - i am the rain freak heheee but today i saw it as just rain no excitement nothing- ,, didnt do a whole lot either . i think i was just down - to many things going on in my head - we all have them those days - if anyone has never ever gotten them SPEAK :P

Anyways .. .. i usually get worked up when i watch the news especially when it shows human stupidty & ignorance but today i was just numb to it maybe cos its the same old same old - though i attempted to try and have a conversation about it with myself in my head anyways when that happens its not always a good thing in this situation i usually pray for miracle - the little ones and by late evening my mood seem to have picked up and i had to decide to either let this mood bring me down or pull myself up - and i made the obvious soo voila here i am in better spirits again woo hoo!! and i think that piece of chocolate cake did it for me too .. While at it i read a couple of stories from my current read - 'Like the Flowing River' by Paulo Coehlo I chose stories at random - and for some strange reason it energized me -it was like soul food. His works has a tendency to make you stop and think about life, about the little things - he offers a whole new perspective on how you look at everyday things aside from inspiring motivating & giving you a sense of hope .. The more i read the more positive i would say i got - things seem to be much better and clearer :)

So me now happy & smiling i tagged some of the stories that i read and i wanted to share one of them .. it is all about that complex yet utterly wonderful human emotion called love but till then i hope everyone had great mid week be it if its morning noon or night where ever you are.. Smiles!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Light a Million Candles Updates ...

Thanks to all who has the lite the candles in support of anti child pornography. The 1 oo oo ooo million mark has been achieved and its continue to grow - goes to show that its gaining support and people are more aware of the problem. I have included bits n pieces of the email i received on the progress of this cause ... Please please keep going back to the site & lighting those candles ..

More than one million people in 171 countries across five continents - including two pledges from the Vatican - have visited to light a virtual candle of support.

80,000 candles were lit in week one, 202,000 by week two. The 500,000 mark was passed on October 9, less than 30 days after the launch. One month later the one millionth candle was lit. There have also been more than three million page views.

Media companies worldwide have thrown their support behind the campaign.

TVC: Television commercials created to raise awareness of the website have been aired on CNN, BBC World, Discovery, MTV and Star TV free-of-charge. The TVC has also been translated into 12 languages and is being aired across the world.

Print: Time, Fortune, the South China Morning Post, The Asian Banker, Reader’s Digest and The Economist have run press ads for free.

Editorial: has appeared in The Guardian (UK), Vatan (Turkey), FT, Elle magazine, Malay Mail and The Star (Malaysia) and marketing publications like Media and Marketing. Standard Chartered Bank’s CEO of Consumer Banking, Mike DeNoma, spoke on the issue on Bloomberg Television.

Web: Major online companies are carrying web banners.

The commercial has been seen by more than 86,000 people on YouTube and registered among its ‘Most Watched’.

A viral e-mail campaign directing people to the Light A Million Candles website has been picked up and passed on by hundreds of bloggers, prominent music portals and newswires. The first 21 searches for "light a million candles" on Google refer to the campaign.

The campaign reached the highest levels of political influence. A US Senate Committee was told about the campaign and the British Bankers Association has urged to join the Financial Coalition to eradicate the commercial viability of child pornography by 2008.

Mike DeNoma has also completed his target to run and cycle a total of 1,228kms over three races to raise money and awareness of the campaign – The Greatest Race on Earth series of marathons, Marathon des Sables and Fumace Creek 508. He has so far raised over US$77,000 for the cause.

Lighting one million candles is an incredible start. But the fight is not over. This is just the beginning of an even bigger campaign designed to raise awareness and recruit new members to join the Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography.

Please continue to spread the word and direct as many people as possible to .

Together we can destroy the commercial viability of internet child pornography sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Mixed Moods Monday

Todays the new moon - give or take between the 20th & the 21st of november - a new cycle in the moon phases and in our lives too. Personally for me the new moon symbolizes a new beginning, fresh starts - always postivity. The waning moon usually brings out the negativity in our lives - cleaning the cycle preparing us for the new - and along with the new moon comes the mood swings - like how the moon controls the tides it does too human emotions - could vary from person to person but its been that way for me - so i have my good moments and not so good moments but all in all im still me .. ....

Today however was a day of mixed emotions - the good the bad the good the bad and the good again. Third day of the school holidays - im sitting here getting the chills cos i got in the rain and i feel a flu coming on ...

I spent the day with the ladies - my mom my aunts & my cousin. We were over at my aunts for a late Eid visit and she made 'rojak su-oon' its actually mixed vermicelli salad - its basically eaten with dried shrimp which have been blended to fine powder,bean sprouts with a chilie gravy and some fish crackers ... We hung out there in the afternoon before going shopping. It was a nice afternoon - talking about all kinda stuff - you know women stuff .. My cousins a full time housewife with three kids and she is doing one heck of a job - we were exchanging our daily routines and you know what i envy her - i wonder how it would feel to be in her shoes - and something just tells me that i would actually enjoy it .. I have so much respect for housewives who care for the home the husband and the kids .. i wonder if she would envy my job - .. I think the best part of her job so to speak is that its her own kids mine well its borrowed kids i return them on weekends and holidays .. anyways .. We stayed there for a couple of hours befor heading out for out little shopping trip ..

It was rizling by the time we left and dark clouds were rolling in - it was really dark clouds almost like smoke - funny thing i loved it .. im a rain dark sky thuderstorm kinda girl .. then again i like the sun too - it all depends on my mood ............

We took bus service 293 to Tampines Interchange - ... and had the most plesant experience with the bus driver. He was polite, helpful, considerate and a very jovial fella .. The story goes like this .. when we flagged down the bus my mom was still keeping her things in her handbag, so the bus didnt open the front door and it was about to leave so my aunt ran to the bus and ask the bus driver to wait which he did so with a smile .. my mom got to the door and it was quiet far from the curb which would make it difficult for her to get on - so he said to her one sec i will move the bus closer (just how sweet is that)When she was getting on the bus he was so patient - he said 'take your time auntie', careful .. i was so taken at by his kindness - it gives you hope in people - knowing that inspite of the mean people around there are actually the nicer few ..anyways .. when we got on the bus i was pretty sure there some unhappy passengers cos they gave us the evil bus lol probably for holding up the bus .. ;)) .. He is just some of the better bus drivers who gives you service with a smile and with so much patience - i have had my share of angry or impatient or non smiling bus drivers - the funny was just earlier on at my aunts we were talking about her own bad experience .. I thank the bus driver whole heartedly - Smiles and kindness makes anyones day ...

My aunt left us and me & mom did a little shopping before heading home. All in all we had a good time - away from work and work .. :) And thats when we got the call ...

Some relatives in Jakarta in Indonesia was involved in car accident earlier this afternoon .:( .. Their car over turned and flipped a few times. In the car was the driver, and my cousins family - himself, his wife and young child.. His wife had a few stitches as did the little one and are not in any danger. He on the other hand needed surgery to the head because of the impact to his head and blood was so they doctor had to drill his skull in order to remove the blood - he has since regained consciousness but is still in the intensive care unit .. The news obviously came as shock and sadden us all especially since their daughter is due to get married in six months .. Anyways they called to inform us and asked us to pray for him and his family and i asked the same of you guys - prayers in mass does wonders - so please please say a prayer for them - pray for his recovery, give them patience as they cope with the post effects of the accident and give them strength to go through each day ....

Mixed monday emotions for sure among other things ..

Anyways i am ending this blog with this question why is that some people could love other things or maybe fall for other things and not for that one particular thing - any thoughts, comments? Anyone?

your name in snow ..yes?

Want to see your name written in snow by a snow professional?

Then check this site out - its so cute .... happy little fellas these snow professionals are ...>

For us who cant get snow can only dream it .........

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy Sunday!

Good Morning!

Happy Sunday Morning!

Second day into the school holidays ........

Its bright its sunny and its humid - whoopieee just what i like - not - dont mind the sun just hate the humidity - there isnt even a breeze - arghhhhhhh .. i have my windows open so i am sitting in all brightness - blue skies, bird chirping the greenery really pretty now could i have some rain pleaseeee!!!!!!!. - some cool breeze anything but this sticky weather ... im pretty sure between November to early February its the moonsoon season so there should be some rain and i dont mean spurts of it but non stop rain .... .. heh sorry just had to vent for a bit there ...

The karang guni man (professional packrat) is in the neighbourhood .. i can hear him 'singing' his song from up here and honking his honk - next thing i know he would be passing my door and if your doors open he would peek in and ask if you have any electronics or old stuff you dont want - we usually give him the newspapers and magazines and if it weighs a lot we get more money but its usually under a dollar .. Sometimes i call him the recycling guy ... or lady depending who walks around the neighbourhood honking their horns... I wonder where they go with these used items - hmmm maybe i should follow them - would be an adventure - goes to show just how much time i have on my hands ...

Wow its actually all quiet now - just a tiny little chirp from a birdy ....

Its close to noon now - my moms watching tv in her room - and i am trying to catch up on my writing and whatever else. Sunday tv is boring - mostly are re runs from the week - so no hope there for me. No 'C' again this weekend - probably having a long weekend again - though i hope not ... poor guy ... i hope things will be ok for him - he seems fine on the surface but i hope deep down he is doing good too - you know like dealing with stuff and what not - yes the thought does come to mind once in a while ...

im craving for some fried kuey teow or kuey teow soup - been craving it for so long - i visualize it sometimes in my mind ........ drools ... I think ill take a walk to the store later and get some - if only they delivered ... yeah i know im just lazy - its a very lazy sunday ...

I think i am committing today to writing, reading my friends's blogs & catching up with friends

.... Go into other worlds & learning & discovering .... care to join me anyone?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

of strawberries,chocolates & weddings ..

Today is the first day of the school holidays - :D .. it starts on November 18th 2006 and it lasts through till January 3rd 2006 - 6 weeks and a little more of no screaming, crying, whining, playful little children running around - I am going to miss that so much lol .. When you get use to the noise all year - solitute though welcome - you cant help but still need some noise ... At least i know i do .. anyways, ive been away from my blog all morning and all day actually seeing ive been a busy little bee - having my hands on all the sweet stuff though i wished it was someone instead of something .. ;)) .. anyways, i was busy putting the finishing touches to the chocolate & strawberry wedding cake due to be delivered this afternoon at a relatives house .. I smell of chocolate which i like alot just dont like the stickiness that comes with it though .. anyways, we completed the cake - which included a second round of chocolate icing, chill and then arranging the strawberries in about 3 hours tops - cleaned up the kitchen, got about 45mins of rest and then its time to get ready ...

A school of pirahnas came over lol actually it was my cousins - they love raiding my fridge though unfortunately for them bears no fruit cos i havent been grocery shopping (poor little fishies) so they raided the cakes and cookies on my dining table lol i like it when they do actually - food brings families closer together i would think .. anyways at about 2 we all left for the wedding - one care brought the cake and the other us - imagine having to fit about 8 eight people into my uncles mini van - heh heh .. we are not exactly petite creatures except maybe two of my cousins anyways - we did manage to squeeze in ...

At this point i was a little nervous about the cake - truth be told this was the first time we did a chocolate wedding cake - usually its the 3 , 4 ,5 of more tiers of fruit cake with royal icing which can withstand the humid weather especially when the cake sits out for a few hours. The invitation is for about 8 hours - so that chocolate cake has to sit out that long - i was afraid it would melt - but i thank my lucky stars it didnt until the time i got home so i was really happy about that.

I fell inlove with the wedding decor at the reception hall - it had so much elegance and class to it. It was a mixture of deep red, creams and a touch of gold. I loved the crystal lanterns that they hung at the entrace on top dried wood and twigs And the stage where the bride and groom sat was sorta like a harem with soft chiffon curtains, cushions - it was exotic and romantic all at the same time .. Makes you want to get married lol but of course we know there is more to a marriage than just the wedding well anyways .. From what i heard the bride & groom had like 3 change of clothes for the whole function. I probably missed the first one cos the second time round they came in clad in Arabic garb. The groom wore a white top(a long kaftan like top for men) and he wore a jacket over it complete with the head gear - like a true warrior .. and the bride wore a cream dress with gold embroidery and a scarf that matches it - she looked so radiant .. reminds of princess jasmine in Aladdin .. they came in true Hadrami style (Hadramut ,Yemen is from their ancestors were from), with Arabic music in the background and women making celebration sounds with their tongues - i call it a mating call lol i dont know what it is called really - i think ill ask my aunt .. but its like a cheer on or something like that anyways they were accompanied by cute little flower girls .. rose petals were thrown as they made their way to the stage .. Then there were speeches, picture taking and so on and of course there was food - there was the traditional briyani rice served at weddings, the assortment of pickes from cucumber to pineapple to onions, then there is the dalcha - a soup like lentil dish with tomatoes, potatoes, long beans, aubergines and of course spices .... and last but not least chicken pieces cooked in a curry like gravy - all these eaten together makes for one very very delicious meal ummmmmmmmm so yummyyyyyyy ... and we cant forget the dessert ... an assortment of bite size cakes like oreo cheese cake, eclairs, brownies and more traditional cakes like wajik(glutinious rice cooked in plan sugar and coconut milk), kuih kacau (its tapioca flour i think cooked in kaya - one of my favs) and they had some steamed puffs ,kuih apom (glutinious rice grouded cooked in pandan leaves with sugar and steamed till the top fluffs up - its usually eaten with fresh grated coconutes soooo sedap that means sooo delicious in english and then there were grapes too.. what can i say we stuffed ourselves silly .... :D and it was a grand affair for sure

It was a very long day i took a short nap when i got home and was way refreshed when i got up - and a little bored i wasnt in the mood to read so i decided to create avatars well actually i was asked too anyways by someone who had all the time in the world and dont know what to do with it lol - so i made a pilgrim me avatar, a native indian me avatar and i think one of me on a picnic lol .. it was sheer boredom as you can see ..

Well i think im done squeezing my brain cells .. ill call it a night hoping for some sort of message when i get up - so nites nites world - sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bite ...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Ganache adventures .......

i love trying new recipes and risk when it comes to cooking - you never know till you try it right - anyways, i was looking for chocolate icing that would make a wedding cake stand out - and because i was making devils food cake i could not use buttercream icing - i would think it would just ruin the whole cake...

The bride made it clear that she wanted everything chocolate so for some strange reason the word ganache came to mind - i know it was a type of icing and it had this smoothness and shine to it problem is i didnt know to make - so i googled it and found the recipe - i was suprise at how simple the recipe was and the whole process - all thats needed for a basic recipe is heavy cream, dark chocolate and corn syrup just to add more shine to it - simple enough so i thought - i experimented alot and finally came up with the right consistency that would look smooth and glossy - there was alot of trials and errors going on the kitchen - but i had a fun time doing it - let me ask wouldnt you be having fun when you're working with chocolate - i couldnt ask for anything more except maybe ...... anyways i think the fun part was going to the cake supplie shop and seeing the varieties of chocolate available - i went .. I am chocolate freak and dark chocolate happens to be my favorite ... You have not seen bars pf chocolate until youve seen real bars of chocolate - shaped like gold bars except they are chocolate of course - they were huge they were yummy and all i wanted was to melt them down and swim in it -

I was smiling after i got that chocolate and still amazed cos i have never seen chocolate like that before - i was for sure in chocolate heaven - me likie dark chocolate longtime hehee..

A little education on ganache if anyones keen on trying it out .. According to Ganache is a French word for a mixture of chocolate and heavy creamused as an icing or filling for pastriesfilled chocolates, or other desserts Its origins date to around 1850, possibly invented in Switzerlandor in France. An detailed explanation can be found at Baking911.. For more ganache tips joys of baking & for samples of chocolate ganache wedding cakes you can check out
maui wedding cakes and im closing this blog with pictures of my favorite chocolate ganache wedding cakes ...

Dont the cakes look pretty .. so simple and elegant - sweet to the eyes and the taste bud to im sure .. its romantic and dreamy and perfect for that beach wedding ...

happy drooling everyone ..

and the school holidays starts now ...

Ahh yes finally the much awaited day has come ...... its the last day of school - the kids have gone home and will be out of school till January next year and us teachers though we come back for a few days for meetings and what nots are freeeee whoopieee maybe except for working on lesson plans and what nots. As much as i am looking forward to the much needed break i am for sure going to miss my little kids - they will be in my class again next year in kindergarten 2 - an important year cos the following year they will be in primary one - so its alot of extra work for us teachers but hey thats next the time is now.....

I have no plans as of yet but i do have a list of things i want to do and one of them is catching up on my writing .. blogs journals just everyday writings - writings a passion .. I definitely want to spend more time at the beach and people watching thats my inspirations are usually derived from .. but thats another story ..

The 2006 kindergarten 2's had a little graduation ceremony followed my by a concert - concerts were put up by the little ones and like always they missed a step or two- sang off key but was none the less adorable - i could help giglling standing in the corner watching them do their thing - what little joys they are .. After all that we had a mini reception - and voila school was officially out .. The kids were excited telling us where they were going and what not - cant wait till next year when they come back and tell the class stories of their vacations so till then i know they will be enjoying their vacations as will the other teachers..

To all teachers & school kids Happy School Holidays!

World Peace Day 2006

There is International Day of Peace, World Peace Day, World Peace & Prayer Day - yet the violence, the killings still continue. There is not a moment when they pause to think - is all this fighting worth it? Is all this killing worth it? The lost of human lives the lost of sense of peace? As the world marks World Peace Day - the battle rages on and lives are lost be it in Iraq, in Afghanistan, the conflict between Israel & the Palestinians - it seems to be never ending. Makes you wonder how much you can write how much you can vent - it still will continue. Peace accords are rejected - futures ruined - what kind of world are we living in?

Below is a message from a self proclaimed peace guy Don Morris. In his own words and i quote ... “I’m not a hero, just an ordinary guy who splices cable for the local telephone company, I’m just doing my part to make my share of the world a better place. And the world is bigger than just people, it’s about all living things” end of quote.

If he could have that vision why cant we right? So when every day of peace comes around - spread the word cos its only through education and education can we make this world a better and peaceful place ..

Peace within ourselves, peace with our surroundings and peace with our fellow man regarless of race religion status - we are all one regardless.. Make peace day an everyday mission because the world needs it ..

Thoughts from A Peace Guy’s Prayer

May the people on this planet be changed from hatred to love, from greed to giving, from selfishness to selflessness, from apathy to action, from jealousy to joy in the accomplishments of others.

Can we trade intolerance for acceptance, destruction for construction, fighting for peace, and killing for the protection of life?

Can we change from censorship to freedom, ignorance to education and instead of fearing our differences, rejoice in our diversity?

May we each take it upon ourselves to feed the hungry, cure the sick, house the homeless, educate the illiterate, love the unloved, and compete to do the right thing instead of winning at any cost.

Can we become heroes that teach our children to make the world a better place by glorifying peace instead of war?

Can we speak out against things that are wrong, and demand honesty from our governments and ourselves?

May we each take responsibility for our own actions?

Please read the following link and pass it around ...

Happy World Peace Day !

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Lets talk about customer service at Long John Silvers (LJS) then The Amazing Race Asia (TARA) - im kinda upset with both today ....

I was hungry for some non sweet stuff after school and suddenly had a craving for LJS - i havent been there in ages and out of the blue suddenly thought about its chicken planks - its funny i think its a seafood place but i go there to have the chicken planks with a side of fries and coleslaw...I headed for the LJS at Century Square - it was not very packed - my lucky day so i thought ... before i get down to business - i was like a hermit - i didnt know they had re vamped their menu - they have all sorts of food now from grilled fish chicken n shrimp to potato salads to salad greens yumm yumm yumm .. I didnt notice all that when i was at the counter earlier it seems - i only realized it was a new menu when i was sitting down and looking back at the counters ... - and i have the counter staff to 'thank' for this. Here i was all happy and what not and here was this expressionless counter staff who gave no greeting whatsoever instead she just stood there and greeting me with this very cold energy and im pretty sure its not the air conditioning and she just stared at me - i smiled and i said hang on let me see what id like - she kept on staring as if she was going to eat me up .. i mean she didnt recommend anything - didnt say a word nor did she smile and i was starting to wonder if she had gold in her mouth . When i finally finished ordering she shouting out my order and then i realized wasnt gold in her mouth .. anyways .... she brought my food asked me if i wanted chillie or ketchup and said the price , took my money and with that same cold non smiling expression she said thank you and enjoy your meal .. i said thank you and smiled at her still no respond i mean geeszzzzzzzzzz is it so difficult to smile .. She was a pretty lady probably about my age and i was so tempted to tell her - youre really pretty you should smile more often makes you even more prettier ... but i held back didnt want to create any problems .. so i smiled told her have a nice day and i walked away.........

and boy was i not happy ..... I like LJS for its service (ive had positive service as far as i can remember) and they have this little bell that everyone rings if they are satisfied with the service which i think is kinda cute though the little kids play with it more hehee... This is the first time that i am getting bad service from this place and i have a mind to write in but i thought why make a big deal out of it - give her the benefit of the doubt and hopefully she will smile the next time aroud ... From where i was sitting i could see the counter and i observed that she didnt smile to any other customers either and she gave them the same cold i am going to eat you stare ....... so im not taking it personally lol .. If i had been a mystery shopper for LJS my report would probably be something like this - great food extremely bad service from non smiling staff ..

It prolly seems like a small deal but im so big on customer service - its so important to me when i pay for something to get a friendly respond and lets face it this goes for everyone else too ..Its not like you are getting free food and you know what people who do give free food actually smile .. so there ..

Did i hear someone say you dont know a thing you're not in the service line well i was in the food & beverage line so i know how it gets and in a way i am in customer service now too - having to deal with parents and be civil even when they are being difficult or when i am having a bad day. I am just saying being in the service line means you need to give your all on a good day or bad - you smile the customer smile - it can actually make a bad day turn out good .......

i have worked in customer service and know how annoying and unreasonable some customers can get - i think thats why when i stand at the other side of the counter i be as nice as i can cos i know the demands that comes with the service sector and in turn i expect some good service back - its only fair dont you think? And a smile isnt too much to ask for yes?

My Amazing Race Asia upsets - well this next leg of the race takes the teams to Jakarta Indonesia where they walked over snakes, looked for sony walkman on the fast forward and either sell or push a bakso food cart - it was funny when they had to push the cart and sing the song the bakso(beefball soup) man sings when he pushes his food cart -

Ernie & Jeena of the Philliphines - a married couple is one of my favorite teams and they were the first to get eliminated .. It was a shock and im so sad ....... I liked them - how they are with each other - the support they give - they are the perfect pair it seems - loving and what not .. i was hoping they would make it to the final three heck even win the race - they have this competitive spirit in them and share this bond - they are like the perfect married couple.. They really tried their best and fought to the finish - i had wished for a few other teams to be eliminated but too bad they werent.. bummer bummer bummer .. anyways.. well see what happens next week when the race takes them to Thailand i think ....

Alrighty then my day was eventful and full it seems - i think im going to check out other blogs and head for bed after .. Have a good day morning night and its the last day of school!!!!!!!!! yay!!!

nites ya'll .....

and in other news ..

The president of the USA arrived in Singapore earlier this morning en route to Vietnam for the Apec summit - not like i care but i guess it just shows how staunch an allie of the USA Singapore is. Lets face it they were one of the more vocal supporters of USA in the war against terrorism and the war in iraq - and i wont even go there - trying to keep this entry unpolitical .. anyways, i saw bits and pieces of his visit on the bus via tv mobile - yeah we have little television sets on our buses for the bored commuter ..;)) - see where out tax dollars are going :P .....anyways .. if anyones keen on reading more of Presidents Bush visit can do so here>

The First Lady had her own agenda for the day. She visited the newly built National Library. According to reports she chose to visit the library because she was once a librarian and loves reading - i guess that makes sense. She had a story telling session with some children after which the kids had a chance to ask her questions. One of them asked her if she was popular back home - which coming from a child is so innocent and cute .. i guess her popularity depends on the kind of policies her husband comes up with - but lets not let the children know that - they should just know that she is popular, lives in a big white house with roses bushes ... kids .. ;)) ...

I think this year we saw some major events and visiting head of state in singapore ... Some people may not agree with me but its kinda cool in a weird way to have a prominent figure like the president of the last superpower of the world come visit this tiny island state .... and i may seem like a kid here but its so cool to see Air Force One land in my country - even if its on the news .. it still was on singapore soil .. Anyways i hope they had fun today inspite of the serious stuff .. hehee

Merry Christmas

LOL .... i know it isnt Christmas yet but it was for a couple of hours at school.... We had our very own early Christmas Party and the kids had a ball doing it. They came to school in their festive best - armed with presents for their friends. If anyones wondering - we had an early celebration because school term ends tomorrow so we cant celebrate it when its closer to Christmas ... And because we are trying to instill a sense of understanding for other festivals we had it brought forward so that no one misses out .. .... We sang christmas songs and even had a christmas tree and my fellow teacher Mae made one heck of a Santa - she could actually consider that as a profession if she ever gets tired of teaching ..:P She actually fooled the kids for a while there - big belly red suit beard lol .. the suddenly one of the kids said youre not santa your teacher mae hahahahaah ... . buzz kill huh lol .... but she kept on as Santa regardless ...

Some of the moms baked Christmas cookies which was really sweet of them. I have to admit some parents can be a pain to deal with the whole year but when it comes to getting involved in activities like these they are more than eager .. So that ought to make up for the not so good things they put us through the year ...

We of course had party games like Santa says DO this or that .. we did a statue dance with Christmas songs playing in the background and we had sing a longs .. the kids seem to have enjoyed themselves thoroughly.. laughing and getting excited - and so did the rest of the teachers it seems lol no authority on this for a moment .. - i think for a moment there we were all actually as one .. The teachers werent left out in the gift giving spirit - and the best part was all the teachers got christmas cards from their kids of course this was planned weeks ago where making cards was part of an arts & crafts session. .. It was just like Christmas - minus the mistletoe - didnt want the kids kissing .. .. But we all gave each other hugs ....... I have to admit this was the best christmas party ever lol ..well done teachers!

I think what came out of this was the kids had an idea of what Christmas is about - the lesson plans that lead to todays celebrations emphasized the need of being thankful and helping others who are less fortunate and of course to love and care for your fellow man .. and of course the having fun aspect of it .. That is enought to make us teachers smile .. I would think other teachers can relate when they actually get through to a child ... yes?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Moments Men Remember

I am finally starting to get sleepy .. i went from trying to stay up to trying to fall sleep to for sure falling asleep .. i did a little bit of chatting and a whole lot of surfing and came across this very inspiring quote ...

"Don't cry for a man who's left you, the next one may fall for your smile." – Mae West

Along with that that i found an interesting article called 'Moments Men Remember' - its quiet an interesting read and one an eye opener for sure. Now i wonder what are the things the guys ive dated think about me ...hee hee - i mean i can only hope that they do .. Anyways happy reading ... & Happy Mid Week everyone ......

Moments Men Remember

By Davy Rothbart

There’s a scene in the movie Notting Hill that has always stuck with me. Hugh Grant’s character is trying to climb over a gate to gain late-night access to a public garden and when he comes bumbling down, he blurts out, “Whoopsidaisies.” Julia Robert’s character’s starts laughing and asks, “What did you say?” And then comes the evasive, inevitable and unconvincing response: “Nothing.”

Nothing is rarely ever nothing, and is usually, almost definitely, something special and endearing. Sometimes our most private behaviors will launch themselves into public view without warning. Fissures in the walls of our minds occasionally allow our unconscious motivations to leak into awareness. Sigmund Freud called it unheimlich, while fellow psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan called it “The Real.” No psychoanalyst myself, I call it “When I Think of Ex-Girlfriends, I Tend to Remember the Moments of Awkward Beauty More Than Anything Else.”

When I’m with a woman, these moments manifest themselves as quiet confessions, secret habits or curious rituals that go on when she thinks nobody is looking. They are the treasures discovered during deep intimacy, the tiny universes that are revealed when she allows herself to rest in vulnerability, a quick glimpse into the hidden life of another person. I love this stuff!

I’m not alone in admiring the quirky side of a woman’s personality and to prove it, I’ve contacted some experts in the arena of female behavior: my friends from Michigan. This motley crew of dudes told me that not only do they remember some peculiar incidents concerning former and current lovers, but that these moments often become favorite and defining memories.

— Javan’s ex-girlfriend worked as a photo correction assistant at a woman’s magazine and airbrushed wrinkles, covered blemishes and embellished the color of eyes. The best parts of her job, she would say, were to hide any scars on a subject’s hands and delete out the tear ducts on close-ups. She used to characterize these two duties as “noble.”

— David’s current girlfriend makes wishes on everything: fallen eyelashes, birthday candles, pennies tossed into fountains, first stars, shooting stars, wishbones, chopsticks, dandelions and first spring robins. According to David, she always wishes for the same thing: that strawberries tasted more like candy.

— Brande recently hung out with his girlfriend from junior high. They hadn’t seen each other for almost a decade. Back then, she would get sudden nosebleeds when she was just sitting in class, riding the bus or whatever. He asked her if she still gets them. She said not as often, but that when she does, it makes her wistfully nostalgic. She said flat out: “Nosebleeds make me happy.”

— Jacob dated one woman on and off for almost six years, and she once admitted to this habit: The first time she enters the kitchen of someone she’s starts dating she steals one piece of cutlery and when the relationship ends, she buries the stolen ware in the public garden near her home. She confessed that she took over a dozen pieces of silverware from Jacob, one for each time they got back together.

— Dan’s wife places pennies face-up on the ground for strangers to find. She calls this process “fixing fate,” and passionately defends it as being altruistic.

— Gulliver dated a woman who, as a teenager, would scavenge tennis balls from the public courts, and then resell them through her father’s sporting goods store. Certain months she had to use a knapsack, there were so many. Her father paid her one dollar per dozen.

As for me, I dated a Scrabble enthusiast who, after a night of kissing and cuddling, would leave love notes composed from Scrabble tiles for me to find after she left. She was generous and loving, but I was often distracted with work, sometimes completely forgetting plans and showing up six hours late, apology in hand.

Dozens of botched dates later, I walked up her front steps ready to prostrate myself for my most recent screw-up and found an envelope with my name taped to the doorknob. Inside were seven Scrabble tiles. It took me a minute to sort them out, but finally I realized that the letters arranged spelled out the word “GOODBYE.”


Little Old ladies ..

A young man shopping in a supermarket noticed a little old lady following him around. If he stopped, she stopped. Furthermore she kept staring at him. She finally overtook him at the checkout, and she turned to him and said, "I hope I haven't made you feel ill at ease;it's just that you look so much like my late son."

He answered, "That's okay."

"I know it's silly, but if you'd call out "Good bye, Mom" as I leave the store, it would make me feel so happy."

She then went through the checkout, and as she was on her way out of the store, the man called out, "Goodbye, Mom."

The little old lady waved and smiled back at him.

Pleased that he had brought a little sunshine into someone's day, he went to pay for his groceries.

"That comes to $121.85," said the clerk.

"How come so much ... I only bought 5 items.."

The clerk replied, "Yeah, but your Mother said you'd be paying for her things, too."

Don't trust Little Old Ladies!!...


.. I hope this has put a smile on some of your faces...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

trying to stay awake ..

I made Devils Food cake today - just trying out a recipe actually for a wedding cake this weekend. My mom wanted to make sponge cake instead but i talked her into trying something new - and seeing how yummy and moist devils food cake it would be perfect for t he wedding cake - heh not my wedding..... i have something else in mind for my cake .. anyways .. the bride wanted it to be an an all chocolate cake with strawberries - i think its going to be a sexy & sensual cake - at least thats how i equate chocolate and strawberries ....... By the way if anyone is getting married - me can make cakes - just email me for details ..... - free advertising .. ..

im so sleepy .. .. im drained ......... i need some TLC!!!!!!!!!!!! and PAMPERING!!!!!! Hint hint! Most of all i need a vacation somewhere by the a scluded beach - with someone special , watching sunsets , walking by the water hand in hand ...... - talk and all the good stuff .... oh yeah cant forget the massages .... If that was remotely possible i would thank my lucky stars but alas its not ....... .. I think i didnt have lunch today - lol thats bad if i forgot if i had lunch or not - im probably just too tired to think Lord knows im slurring in my thoughts but i must i must keep myself up ... id make a cup of coffee but odds are that would keep me up till the morning and i cant afford that seeing tomorrow is going to be another long day ... Speaking of which 3 more days to the school vacations ......

Bush is making his way out East (Asia that is) oh whooooopieeeee... People in Indonesia are already protesting againts his visit - i think if we did that in Singapore we end up in the slammer - welcome to this corner of the world ... i wont get into this .. too nice a night ..

Well i think i am off to read .. have a good night all .. blog ya later ...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Of Lies & trust

i was online at work and received an offline from 'C' - he said he had a long weekend .. i can only wonder what happened over the weekend .. *sigh* - i hope he is ok thought and hopefully i can find out what happened to him later - please please please let everything be ok for him ...

Anyways today i had a talk with my friend Ed about his girlfriend. I think he is having trust issues with her - i think thats the worst that can happen to anyone - to have trust issues especially when they at war and their girlfriend back home .. I guess what bugged him was that the girl he was madly inlove sent him pictures of someone else instead of her - according to her she was shy about how she looked.. Thats why she never got on cam for him - poor guy i think .. he still loves her inspite of it - he has seen her on cam now that she has own up to him .. But he still has trust issues with her and wondered what else she lied about - i guess anyone would huh .. Now that things are out in the open - they are meeting up when he returns room for two weeks to see his kids and her - he said only then he will know if he can deal with the lying and trust issues. I can only wish him the best ... Who knows maybe by sitting across from her they can talk and maybe work things out - trust - so important .... How he found out - i guess it was a give away from her itself .... Maybe its her way of hinting at him .. anyways the best to them both ..

Trust honesty - two very important factors in a relationship - trust is gained - and sometimes its hard for people to believe again when they have been lied and if they felt their feelings have been compromised ... Seeing they are in a long distance relationship - its all the more important that trust be present ..

So any thoughts on the situation?

As We ..

I wanted to share this passage that i received in my mail box. I am pretty sure this little passaged has passed my way a dozen times and im really not complaining. It serves as a gentle reminder about how important it is to be happy and just how fragile life is .. Sometimes we drown in our sorrow be it because of a broken heart, anger, hurt, failures, disappointments and what nots and we feel low in what seems like forever - i know i have been in that situation not too long ago - but i think we cannot loose sight of the fact that time is passing by ... getting back on track is always easier said than done but small steps always pave the way for bigger positive outcomes ..its all in the mind it is said ... anyways, i have my cousin to thank for sending me this little passage - ...

As We ...

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.

You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.

You'll fight with your best friend.

You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.

You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.

So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

monday night chatter ..

Monday night - - im so tired and my leg hurts - my knee is hurting again and i hope nothing serious will happen to it before school closes in 4 days .. I actually causesd it to hurt more cos i went to a wedding yesterday and wore heels and did a whole lot of walking - like always my fault ... but its a wedding need i say more .... anyways i wont whine im sure there are others who have bigger knee and legs issues - ..

I am looking forward to the school holidays no doubt about it - no screaming kids for a while though i am pretty sure by early December i would start missing them again - im used to quiet but i go like the occasional noise - so that i will miss and cant forget the hugs and kisses... I trust they are looking forward to the holidays and the holidays most of these kids would be taking with their parents.

On Thursday we will be having an early Christmas Party seeing it will be holiday time when christmas comes around. The kids are excited about it - so we did a little christmas decoration in school and bought little gifts for the kids to exchange and were throwing in Santa too - one of the teachers volunteered to play Santa .. Bless you Mae .. Friday is the last day and we have a ltitle graduation ceremony cum concert for the kindergarten 2 who wil be going to primary school or first grade next year - when i look at these kids i think they are way older than they are - .....

Oh NO! its 930pm .. i missed the first half our of the amazing race . oh well gotta wait for the repeats i guess ... Anyone here an Amazing race fan? Kentucky was eliminated last week - i think they were a pretty cool down to earth team - Southern charm i would think - they seem so innocent and what not - too bad they had to go tho ... The four teams remaing are not my favorite really lol except maybe for the team from Alabama and the Cho brothers - but its still fun to watch it though ... Does anyone have like a personal tv schedule fixed? I can affors to miss the personal list but i cant afford to miss Criminal Minds which in on Channel 5 at 11pm every Tuesday night - i wish they would air it on either AXN or Starworld so i can get my fix a few times a week insted of just Tuesday night ... Oh and another show i dont mind watching over and over again would be The Simpsons and Family Guy .....

Okie dokie im done rambling - time to do other things -

Have a good morning noon or night good people!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

All Ladies @ the wedding ...

And so i attended the wedding - i did compromise with my mom so today was just keeping to my side of the bargain though i did so grudgingly .... and it wasnt all that bad - at least my mom had fun catching up with her friends and some which she havent seen in ages.. I just sat there and smiled and talked to the elderly ladies - they are a source of wisdom and stories which i loved so it was a win win situation for me. And this is the first time i attended a wedding where there were no men *grin* - it was an all ladies affair - they booked a little hall below the apartment and drapped the open spaces with beauitful satin material of cream and very light chocolate - looks really elegant - the deco was appealing no doubt - roses orchirds were hung - my fav flowers - so it was really pretty.. Food was light not the traditional briyani rice - we had meat on a skewer (satay) served with peanut sauce rice cakes onions and cucumbers and then there is the soto ayam plus an array of sinful cakes and pastries - i stuffed myself silly and the dark chocolate mousses cake was so inviting i had to have two servings of it ... *smile* .... Aside from that it was mainly people watching - i love looking at the pretty dresses everyone was wearing - even the more older ladies had some bling .... :D .. all in all i had a good time no complains inspite of intially having to go grudingly - lesson learnt - give situations & people a chance .......

Well another weekend gone school starts tomorrow and this is the last week of school yay!!!

Nothing from 'C' - i wonder whats going on - just hope that everything is ok .........

well nights world ...

Kamal - a true peace dove ...

Today marks the 15th year death anniversary of my cousin Kamal He was shot and killed in cold blood by the Indonesian Army on November 12th 1991 in Dili, East Timor which as at the time occupied by the Indonesians. He and many others were killed while peacefully protesting the death of a young man... inspite of him flagging the Malaysian passport he was holding. His body dumped in a mass grave. But due to pressure from his mom and dad and help from the Malaysia then vice president - his body was recovered and returned to Malaysia for a proper burial.

He was an advocate for peace and the rights of the East Timores people. He often travelled to East Timor to act as a translator to the journalist seeing that he could speak Bahasa Indonesia and to write about the things he saw there. At the time he was also a student studying at the University of New South Wales in Australia - he would take a boat to get into East Timor - he knew it was dangerous but he was damn on figthing for the rights of the East Timorese people to get their independence. In his college days he brought the plight of the East Timorese people by staging marches at campus & doing an interview with the then Australian Ministy of Foreign Affairs
Gareth Evans.. His death was loss to the family and to people in general i would think. But for sure it wasnt in vain - East Timor got their independence from Indonesia on May 20th 2002..

His death hadnt gone unoticed - a New Zealander filmaker made a movie called
Punitive Damage about him and his fight for the freedom of the East Timorese people. Its never made it to the big screen for obvious reasons but its still worth the watch - hard for the family but in some ways it gives us closure...

Kamal was a source of inspiration to me - he always encouraged me to follow my dreams and to really stand up for things i believe in - through him i was made aware of the human rights issues which got me to dig deeper. May God bless his soul and may be he be at a place of peace & tranquility ...

Kamal a true peace dove till the end ...