see ya june ..

I like that quote sent to me by Barb. She does send the most inspirational & uplifting quotes and does so without fail ;)) .. Sometimes that’s what you hope you can accomplish for people – the one to lift them from their hurt and pain, make then smile and feel a little better, make them feel warm & appreciated and worth something yet in certain situations you are at a lost of what to do especially when there are you so many barriers but you know what that doesn’t mean you don’t stop trying ………. Anyways ..
It’s the end of the month and the full moon is at its fullest hanging high up in the sky – a beautiful sight indeed. Like a ball round and shiny surrounded by the usual dark clouds which seem to be illuminated because of its rays. A beautiful sight indeed. I tried taking a picture but it didn’t turn exactly how I wanted it but its ok I can remember how it looks like it in my mind .. by the time I started writing this the clouds are slowly hovering over the moon but the moon seeing how stubborn she is decides to continue to shine regardless….
On my way to the bus interchange, I took a very packed feeder service bus no 291 after waiting for about 15mins. After waiting for so long usually 2 or 3 291’s would come at once but alas today there was just one. Anyways the bus came and it was packed I managed to squeeze my way in and find a seat near the window. As the bus approached st 21 there was the smell of cigrattes – cigreattes smoke on a packed air con bus hell who in their right mind would smoke on the bus???? I figured it came from someone behind but then I saw smoke coming from a few seats down and voila you see the person smoking. The lady beside him stood up by then people started to notice and this lady next to me asked do you smell that I said yeah someones smoking we got pissed – I started to cough and as short as trip it was someone smoking in a packed air conditioned bus can cause some major chest congestion anyways … I looked forward and saw an old man smoking away and no one did anything I think they were afraid of him then he suddenly put his feet up on the back of the seat then we knew he was a crazy old man. He couldn’t care for the rest of the world – hmmm I am starting to think that he was a little drunk or just plain crazy and ignorant whatever it was we were glad to get of the bus that’s for sure. That’s was just pretty much the thing that was bad about the day.
Overall it was a good day I would say – the sun was shining non stop so it was another ‘tanning’ day for me – hah my friend Mae gets redder in the sun hahah poor girl she said she looked like a shrimp – hahah reminded me of my English 101 lecturer who was at a beach resort and came back looking like a shrimp and we could help be notice it – it was that visible and being the good sport that he was he said we could create stories out of his predicament and boy did we do it hahah it was funny though we didn’t laugh at him but along with him ..
Anyways, we spent a couple of hours at Borders- I browsed at one section and she did another and if when we found something good we would text each other it was fun though and of course we picked up the books for the school library – I think the kids will enjoy them – I love childrens books. The colors in them, the limited text (ha) and of course the imagination of the writers. As much as I am a pre school teacher I find hard to get ideas to write childrens book speaking of which I do believe that ‘”C wants to write childrens books cool isn’t it and I find that so sweet ..*smile* ..
With every trip to Borders is of course a new list I put in my cell phone titles of books I want to read hmmmmmmm it probably is not a good idea seeing that I still have books that I haven’t read here at home but I guess when you’re a book junkie you’re a book junkie but I do want one particular book though The Witch of Portobello maybe next few weeks ill come down to Borders again so we will see. Borders day are always adventure days and it was a busy and packed Borders today seeing it’s the weekend and all but its fine to be with the packed crowd – a little sacrifice you make for the love of books.
After Borders it was lunch at Long John Silvers more like a snack seeing that we were saving ourselves for the raspberry swirl cheesecake at Starbucks and that much awaited cup of coffee.
What do you get when you have to very silly teachers out on the town? Silliness of course *grin*. We did a little unpaid mystery shopping seeing how big we both are on customer service and service is not as great as it is. I had two very bad encounters actually 3 last 2 weeks alone – sucks don’t it – and to think are working to improve the customer service here but anyways me and Mae went into high end stores to see how the sales girl would treat us and what not , we asked a lot of questions, tried on a lot of clothes but never bought anything and I happy to report the sales person was smiling and very helpful . Kudos to the girls at Nine West, Liz Claiborne , Island shop and east India company. You made our weekend ;))..
So we ended our day at Starbucks and it was a full house. We were lucky to get a cosy corner spot far away from prying eyes but near enough for us to pry on others I mean coffee places isn’t it where you sit and watch the world the go buy, read a book, write and people watch .. J …… Anyways we were silent while we enjoyed our cake hahah a good tasting always seem to shut people up – darn it I want more raspberry cheesecake ummmmmmm I can taste it sniffles now its gone ..So we spent the time talk about life in general the people who has made a difference our plans and what not and of course work. Our conversations went to people we love people we hope for and me with the many questions wonderings and queries had some insight and what not on certain things that are occupying my mind right now but anyways …
All in all it was a great day – life for the moment no matter if you’re heart is a wondering and at the back of your mind your in a state of constant wondering – you live life a day at a time make the most of the day and see what tomorrow brings maybe a good thing or maybe not either way one day at a time though sometimes worry of the future comes into play but I think that happens for just a moment ..
I am thankful for another day – with its idiosyncrasies blessings and natural wonders.
Nights world and bye bye month of June see ya next summer ;))