dreams & kindness

It’s a beautiful Thursday morning here in sunny Singapore. It’s a public holiday for the masses but just another day for me seeing I am already on vacation. It’s actually Vesak Day today a holy day for the Buddhist here in Singapore. I feel much better today too I am smiling and am in a good mood. So that is always a plus. I am thinking of what to make for breakfast seeing that will be skipping lunch. My mother is coming later this afternoon and in the evening we will be attending a wedding. Free food hahhaa just kidding .. It’s a relative’s wedding and this was one of those out of the blue we never saw it coming kind of weddings. We heard he was getting married like two weeks ago – talk about fast huh but I think he has known the girl a while now. So after breakfast I have the daunting task of picking out what to wear ;)) .. but for sure it will be something traditional..
Here is a little morning update on my favorite panda and a pic of her too She is a real goof ball - she can get as naughty and as playful as she wants too and still gets away with it - l I can so relate – to her being the goofball not so much about getting away with things .. anyways today’s update is all about the bamboo the giant panda and panda cub’s favorite food .
Wednesday, May 30
Bamboo shooting season is coming to a close in the
Rebecca Snyder, PhD
Curator of Giant Panda Research and Management

I finally decided what i want for breakfast seeing all that bamboo just made me hungrier for the record bamboo shoots taste pretty good anyways I am going to make me scrambled eggs for breakfast my stomach’s calling out for food so I am off for now till later world , here is a little quote …
Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes the ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate. Albert Schweitzer
The world on the whole has a lot to learn about kindness I think if we had that half of the worlds conflicts would be gone but alas words can influence a man only so much but its his heart and honor that controls everything else. I love how this quote illustrates the way kindness can change a situation and it’s a lesson for all of us. Something else to think about ..
Blog ya laters world ..